Chemi Shalev writes: Trump could turn out to be the Israeli right wing’s worst nightmare. Obama had to take into account the pro-Israel lobby, the Republican-led Congress and the staunch Israel supporters in his own Democratic Party. Netanyahu exploited them all. Trump is a completely different story. The GOP won’t dare confront him as it would Obama. A President who emphasizes “his personal belief that peace is possible and that the time has come to make a deal” is one who spells trouble for Jewish settlers and their champions…
Redressonline: Zionists snuff out free speech at UK universities
Stuart Littlewood writes in about efforts to censor Israel Apartheid week events at UK universities: “Who had the impudence to change our values regarding free speech?”
I am a proud Palestinian woman and a humanitarian. I am also the mother of the youngest Palestinian prisoner in an Israeli jail
When I closed my eyes, all I could see was my little boy, scared and alone, in a freezing cold prison cell. I later learned that they had forced him to stand in there naked, at one point…
Cheerleading for Israel: Everyone’s doing it
Philip Giraldi: The neoconservatives, Israel-firsters, hate Trump, having favored Hillary Clinton as president due to their conviction that she would be the more aggressive president. They now believe that if they force Trump out they will return to power, so they continue to pile on. Trump is also being battered by pro-Israel interests on the left. Bernard-Henri Levy warns that Trump is a threat to all American Jews. Why? Because his love for the Jewish people is “insufficient.” Levy explains, “This love is precisely what is required of an American president in dealings affecting Israel.”
Killed March 6, 2017: Bassel al-A’raj, 31
March 6, 2017: Bassel al-A’raj, 31, was killed by Israeli soldiers in al-Biereh town in the central West Bank district of Ramallah after the soldiers surrounded a home and exchanged fire with him for more than two hours. Locals said the Palestinian ran out of ammunition before the soldiers stormed the property, killed him, and…
Israeli Supreme Court Approved “Child Trafficking” of Muslim Children
Tikkun Olam: The Israeli Court came up with a new theory of parental rights that enabled it to rip the children from their father and award them to adoptive parents who would convert the children to Orthodox Judaism and reject every vestige of their father’s ethnic identity…
Anti-BDS bills fast-tracked in NY State Senate
Palestine Legal: Three anti-BDS bills were fast-tracked out of committee and passed today (March 8, 2017) without debate by the New York State Senate. These bills are blatantly unconstitutional attacks on First Amendment rights to protest and dissent. They resurrect widely-condemned tactics used to undermine democracy: creating blacklists, punishing dissent, attacking academic freedom, and cracking down on student organizing…
Gideon Levy: Israel Loves Wars
Writing in Ha’aretz, Levy writes: Israel loves wars. Needs them. Does nothing to prevent them, and sometimes instigates them. Since the 1948 war, all its wars were wars of choice. It’s reasonable to assume that the next war will break out in Gaza. The alibi is already prepared…
Israeli children are dressing up as Elor Azaria, who shot prisoner in the head as he lay on the ground [VIDEO]
JerusalemOnline reports: This year for Purim, many Israeli children are dressing up as Elor Azaria, the Israeli soldier who fatally shot a prisoner lying on the ground incapacitated. “I’m not saying that he did the right thing but in my eyes he is a hero,” stated one grandmother…
Israeli who killed Palestinian gets less jail time than Palestinian kids who threw stones; Israeli children dress up as the killer
An Israeli soldier who shot a Palestinian rebel dead after he was already incapacitated on the ground has been sentenced to 18 months in prison. The killing took place in the Palestinian city of Hebron in Israeli-occupied West Bank. The Independent reports: [The dead Palestinian’s] father Yusri told reporters … “The sentence he received is less than…