Category: Daily Updates

Daily news updates after October 7, 2023

Gaza pumping stations stop, sewage is “flowing in the streets” – Day 63

Israeli forces committed 20 massacres, wiping out entire families, kill 9 Palestinians in West Bank, Israeli military kills hostage it’s trying to rescue, Blinken bypasses weapons sale protocol for Israel, Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) casts lone “nay” on pro-Israel resolution, prominent Jewish organizations launch new centralized communications operation to advocate for Israel

“All we do is count bodies” – Day 61

Worsening humanitarian disaster, bombing of northern Gaza approaching scale of WWII, Israel bombs 800-year-old mosque, UN chief hits “panic button,” more guns in Israeli civilian hands, West Bank struggles, US fails to acknowledge Israel’s baby abandonment a “war crime”, another exposé on Israel’s atrocity claims