Search Results for: media bias

Killing Mosquitoes: The Gaza Massacres, Pro-Israel Media Bias, & the Weapon Of ‘Antisemitism’

Imagine if Russian or Syrian troops had shot dead almost 30 civilians, and injured thousands, during peaceful protests. Mainstream media headlines and airwaves would be filled with condemnations from senior UK and US politicians and prominent commentators. But not so when it is Israel doing the killing, and the BBC & Guardian provide Israel spin…

Nuseirat massacre: Slaughtered Palestinians do not exist for West’s media

The almost 1,000 Palestinians killed or wounded in Nuseirat by Israeli forces were erased from news coverage, or acknowledged as an afterthought. (No one had to be murdered anyway, as Hamas had reportedly offered to release civilian captives last October.)

American Media Keep Citing Zaka — though its October 7 atrocity stories are discredited in Israel

Long after Landau’s emotional recollections were replayed, repeated, cited, and quoted in the global media, a problem emerged: No one could find any evidence that the two massacres ever took place — in Be’eri or elsewhere.