Gaza’s “lost generation of children” Day 252

Gazan children suffer loss of family members, education, health; 14 year old dies from starvation; US sanctions extremist settler group, mulls dismantling Gaza pier; Israel has killed more Israeli hostages; US House votes to block funding for Gaza reconstruction; boycotting is gaining ground; more.

Israel has committed 3,300 massacres in Gaza since October 7th – Day 251

Israel has carried out thousands of massacres; Gaza pier in trouble again; Blinken pledges $400m in aid; US intelligence-sharing with Israel may be getting out of control; UN acknowledges Israel’s use of Hannibal Directive; Israel on the “list of shame”; Israel’s war on food suppliers, journalists, West Bank economy and people; more

Milestone in Israeli war on Gaza: 15,694 kids killed, 17,000 without parents – Day 250

Catastrophic famine; MSF says latest massacres illustrate disregard for Palestinian lives; ceasefire proposal confusion; bodies as bargaining chips; shooting in Jerusalem’s Old City; Israel says “no innocent civilians” in Gaza; the Day After; Hezbollah; Gideon Levy on Israel’s lost conscience…

Nuseirat massacre: Slaughtered Palestinians do not exist for West’s media

The almost 1,000 Palestinians killed or wounded in Nuseirat by Israeli forces were erased from news coverage, or acknowledged as an afterthought. (No one had to be murdered anyway, as Hamas had reportedly offered to release civilian captives last October.)

Gaza: Civil ICC case against Ursula von der Leyen raises stakes on genocide complicity

Experts are urging the ICC to investigate the European Commission president over her alleged support for Israel’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people.

Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans

New York Times reports: Since Israel invaded Gaza, the Sde Teiman military base has filled with blindfolded, handcuffed detainees, held without charge or legal representation.