Tags: palestinian prisoners

Netanyahu tries to explain away Rafah massacre: “we tried” – Day 234

Netanyahu claims civilian deaths in Rafah were “tragic” mistake; how limited is the “limited operation” in Rafah?; Rafah bombing is “the crime of crimes” – genocide; Amnesty Int’l and Reporters Without Borders call for war crimes investigations by ICC; US response to Rafah attack, more

ICJ orders Israel halt Rafah invasion, open crossings to aid – Day 230

Israeli settlers attack aid trucks again; Pope calls Gaza every night; Al Awda Hospital hangs by a thread; demand for ICC to investigate Palestinian prisoner abuse; punishing Spain for recognizing Palestine; Israeli policy to drive out pastoral communities; Colombian embassy coming to Ramallah; Netanyahu invited to speak to Congress; Nikki Haley; more.

Promises broken: Israel is still obstructing the entrance of aid to Gaza – Day 194

Israel steadfastly starves Gaza; horror in Beit Hanoun; Israeli settlers displace entire communities of Palestinians; Executing Palestinian detainees best way to combat prison overcrowding – Israeli minister; Biden op-ed begs for more money for Israel…

Israeli forces massacre Gazans, attack Palestinian worshipers as Ramadan begins – Day 156

Children being starved at fastest rate; 200,000 Gazans dead?; Rafah invasion will happen, but is not imminent; Israeli sniper drone killed a Gazan boy, zoomed in for a close-up; Israel has decimated education, infrastructure in Gaza; over 1/4 of Gazans face catastrophic hunger; Netanyahu says “make room in the prisons – many new inmates expected

Israel has killed or wounded a “staggering” 5% of Gaza’s population – Day 152

Israel kills Gazans by every method: airstrike, starvation, imprisonment, shooting, stillbirth; South Africa calls for stronger language from ICJ to end the famine in Gaza; flour shipment from US still sitting in port after nearly 7 weeks – enough to feed 1.5 million Gazans for five months; West Bank violence and illegal construction; WaPo says the US has “quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israel since the Gaza war began”; poll: majority of Americans want weapons shipments to stop, more

Israel is holding over 9,000 Palestinian political prisoners – Day 144

Palestinian prisoner crisis; children dying of starvation, malnutrition; journalist under fire; West Bank deaths; Israeli security worries about Ramadan restrictions at Al Aqsa Mosque; Israeli “friendly fire”; Biden awaits “”credible and reliable written assurances” of proper use of US weapons from Netanyahu; mixed messages on Israel-Hamas-Biden agreement; US voters want a permanent ceasefire; Michiganders don’t want Biden; more

Palestinian ex-detainees heard “screams around the clock” from fellow prisoners – Day 136

Reports that Israeli forces killed, raped Palestinian women & girls; Israeli torture, grotesque humiliation of Palestinian prisoners; humanitarian aid at “lowest level”; UNICEF expects “explosion in preventable child deaths”; Netanyahu rejects Palestinian state; ICJ hearing against Israel’s occupation; settler attacks in West Bank jumped 200%; US offers resolution at UNSC; Pelosi’s delusional statement; fears for Marwan Barghouti’s life

No Access, No Information: Thousands of Gazans “Forcibly Disappeared” by Israeli Forces 

Testimonies obtained from released detainees indicate that Israel continues to commit horrific crimes, including torture, inhumane and degrading treatment, against thousands of Gazans detained and held incommunicado in undisclosed locations, some for over four months. Unlawfully detained persons have been stripped naked and photographed and otherwise humiliated by IDF forces. They have been sexually assaulted, attacked by dogs, beaten, starved, burned with cigarettes and denied legal representation. Human rights experts fear that detainees face summary execution in sites where conditions are chillingly similar to those established by US forces in Abu Grahib and elsewhere.

Nightmare in healthcare facilities, as Netanyahu repeats opposition to Palestinian state – Day 134

Healthcare in Gaza without health or care; Biden admin in denial about Netanyahu’s intentions, plans more weapons transfers; American Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church comes out against US military aid to Israel; Israel reportedly attacked Iran gas pipelines, and more