US officials and lobbyists say the push to ban the Chinese-owned application Tik Tok gained momentum during the genocide in Gaza upon finding out that a majority of users were supporting a free Palestine.
Tags: Donald Trump
Trump’s bellicose rhetoric to ‘clean out’ Gaza tied to deep pockets of Zionist lobby
Israel lobby groups have given Trump over $230 million, part of the lobby’s pervasive influence in shaping American policy in favor of Israel
Free speech crises loom with crackdown on Israel criticism
The incoming Trump team appears poised to take a hardline and Congress isn’t far behind. And it’s just not on college campuses.
Trump’s new cabinet is great news for Israel
Philip Giraldi: The new cabinet might be even worse than the old one. Some are joking that it should be called MIGA instead of MAGA. An Israeli newspaper says the Israeli government and Trump’s team are already in discussions regarding how to remove Iran’s government.
Greenwald: False narrative about Orlando shooting shows the power of media propaganda
Politicians & activists should stop ratifying the fiction that the shooter was motivated by anti-LGBT hatred. It dishonors the victims, purveys anti-Muslim misinformation, and obscures the real motive. Mateen, like so many others who committed similar acts of violence, was motivated by rage over Obama’s bombing campaigns in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan that killed multitudes of men, women, and children. He chose PULSE at random without even knowing it was a gay club — yet this media-consecrated lie continues to fester.
Would Israel Blackmail a US Congressman? Should there be any doubt?
There are indications that Israel may have been behind the alleged extortion of Congressman Matt Gaetz’ father… Presumably, Israel was prepared to use its political clout with Congress & the media to make Gaetz’ problems go away, in return for the money to fund a commando raid that would free Iranian prisoner Robert Levinson – delivering a blow to Iran and a major propaganda victory for Israel…
Does Ghislaine have Epstein’s blackmail videos (for Israel)?
Philip Giraldi reports that Ghislaine Maxwell may have sex videos from Epstein (working with Israel) hidden in a secret location & may be using them to cut a deal with investigators, according to a 60 Minutes producer… they may include Bill Clinton & Trump…
Greenwald details Biden appointee Neera Tanden’s outrageous actions
Glenn Greenwald details numerous problematic actions by Biden appointee Neera Tanden, including the fact that she ordered ThinkProgress journalists to stop writing critically about Israel after key donors (including AIPAC supporter Ann Lewis and long-time Clinton advisor Howard Wolfson) complained about the ‘anti-Israel’ articles…
WATCH: Pro-Israel groups air ads for Trump & Biden
See ads by the Republican Jewish Coalition & the Democratic Majority for Israel – both claim that their candidate will do the most to help Israel.
U.S. is in Middle East ‘to protect Israel’ not for oil, Trump says
Donald Trump recently said the U.S. isn’t involved in the Middle East for oil, but because we “want to protect Israel.” The comments have gone all but unreported in the mainstream press. (Contains videos)