The rule of law, appropriately applied (that is, equally across the board) keeps us from chaos. But when some think they are above the law, the rest pay dearly. Gaza is a case in point.
Search Results for: shihadah
UN Security Council says Yes to ceasefire; US abstains
At long last, the UN Security Council agrees on a ceasefire demand. (Two aspects have potential impacts not widely discussed.) All that remains is for Israel to comply.
Report: Israeli forces strip, rape pregnant Gazan woman in public
Palestinian women have frequently reported being raped or threatened with rape by Israeli soldiers. This incident is particularly horrific.
An open letter to VP Kamala Harris on the occasion of her ceasefire speech
Vice President Kamala Harris needs some feedback on what has been referred to as the United States’ “sharp rebuke” of Israel. Happy to oblige.
If you love babies, this is a must-read
This is unspeakable – but we must speak of it, and we must make it stop.
A wave of new post-Oct 7th “antisemitism” bills completely miss the point
The Anti-Defamation League would have us believe that advocacy for Palestinian rights is a threat to American Jewish safety, and that October 7th was an antisemitic incident. Both ideas are false.
CNN got this one right – Israel fails to make a case for desecrating a Gaza cemetery
Israel claims a tunnel ran through this Gaza cemetery it destroyed. A visit to the site raised more questions than answers. CNN doesn’t often challenge the Israel narrative, but this time, Jeremy Diamond was spot-on.
2023 in review: 12 months of blood on Israeli and American hands
2023 will be remembered for its last 3 months, when tens of thousands of Gazans were massacred with the blessing of the US government, when the world watched a “live-streamed genocide.” The first 9 months of 2023 were also far from peaceful. Here is a run-down of the coverage that If Americans Knew provided.
Rumors of war: did hundreds of Hamas fighters surrender to Israeli forces?
Leaked videos & photos indicate that a group of Palestinian men were captured and forced to strip. But who were they, and why were they there? Don’t believe the headlines. It turns out they were 12-year-olds, senior citizens, doctors, academics, shopkeepers, construction workers…
Israel has lost control of the narrative – October 7 truths coming out
Israel’s packaging of Hamas as barbaric butchers is losing momentum. An honest look at eyewitness reports, photos, and videos makes it clear that Israeli soldiers did some of the killing that day – and Netanyahu has been trying to keep that fact under wraps.