Tags: double standard

U.S. Media’s Doublespeak: Israelis Live in “Densely Populated Areas,” Palestinians Are “Human Shields”

The Western media’s double standards when it comes to Israel and Palestine are hardly new. The discourse around “human shields” — or the failure to use the term — is an example of hypocrisy pushed to the extreme, by letting Israel deflect the blame for mass civilian deaths.

Gideon Levy Tells It Like It Is: “In U.S. Media, Israel Is Untouchable”

Gideon Levy calls out US media’s cowardice. He highlights the double standard in which Palestinians can only be villainized, but Israel can only be defended, and the misuse of the term “anti-Semitism.” How is it that an Israeli newspaper can publish this, but in the US, CNN is required to fire Marc Lamont Hill?