Search Results for: iran

Surveillance, Political Threats, Daily Discrimination: What It’s Like to Be a Palestinian Citizen in Israel

Palestinian citizens of Israel are constantly reminded of the fragility and conditionality of our (second-class) Israeli citizenship, and the illegitimacy of our Palestinian identity – and that’s amplified as elections approach.

The Palestinian identity of Israeli citizens is conceptualized as a perpetual threat precisely because it resists the constant revisionist efforts of the state. By virtue of existing, Palestinians contest the erasure of their own narratives and histories.

Pro-Israel, Pro-War Neocons ally with “Progressives” to Destroy Donald Trump

Israelist Neocons have moved back & forth between the left and the right… currently they’re working with progressives, funded by Pierre Omidyar, featured as “pundits” from Fox News to Rachel Maddow, & promoting anti-Russian conspiracie

The pro-Israel billionaires & neocons behind Marco Rubio

Rubio’s career has been funded from the beginning by multi-billionaire Israel partisans such as Normal Braman, Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, and Larry Ellison. Rubio has close ties to the pro-Israel neocons who pushed the U.S. into the disastrous Iraq war, and he advocates positions that would likely lead to still more war and violence…

Opinion: As an American-Israeli, I Am Thrilled for the Palestinians and for Rashida Tlaib

Every day that Netanyahu chooses Trump and fundamentalism over the pro-democracy, pro-equality, pro-pluralism views of diaspora Jews, is a great day for the Palestinian cause.

No Israeli prime minister, no Israeli government and no consortium of allies has done nearly as much – inadvertently, to be sure – to bring the cause and the grievances of the Palestinians front and center.