Amnesty International joins other well-known human rights organizations in characterizing Israel’s rule over Palestinians as “apartheid” – and calls on the global community to rally for Palestinian human rights.
Search Results for: child
The Israel Factor in Neocons’ Anti-Russia Warmongering over Ukraine
The anti-Russia Ukraine crisis was originally stirred up by neocons furious that Russia was preventing ‘two top Israeli priorities: US military strikes on Syria & Iran”… Now their efforts are continuing. Key players are Victoria Nuland and the rest of the Kagan family…
Israeli soldiers, military court treat Palestinian kids like criminals
Children are not afraid to join protests for Palestinian Bedouin rights. Israeli soldiers and the military court system treat them just as harshly as they treat adults.
Congress: say No to $1B extra funding for Israel’s Iron Dome
Israel partisans want a $1 billion handout from Congress – but Israel spends American money recklessly and ruthlessly. Stop funding Iron Dome.
There’s a Mass Palestinian Grave at a Popular Israeli Beach, Veterans Confess
“I was a murderer. I didn’t take prisoners,” admitted an Israeli combat soldiers present for the June 1948 massacre in the Palestinian town of Tantura. “I had a machine gun with 250 bullets. I can’t say how many [I killed].”
Israeli Soldiers Kill Another Palestinian Near Hebron
After an alleged stabbing attack with no injuries, fully armed Israeli occupation soldiers shot Palestinian Faleh Mousa Jaradat, then blocked medics until he died. He leaves behind a wife and five children, one a newborn.
Ha’aretz: This Filmmaker Dares to Question the Figure of 6 Million Jewish Victims in WWII
A major Israeli newspaper reports on a new documentary by an Israeli filmmaker that investigates how many Jews were killed by the Nazis. A staff member at Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Center told him the ‘6 million’ was ‘not a precise number.’ Israeli scholars say: “The importance of this number long ago exceeded the issue of historical accuracy.” Among scholars the number is constantly changing. Meanwhile, Israel today passed a UN resolution that calls for member states & social media companies to censor the issue, and governments are expected to enforce it…
Israel’s new secret document still fails to tie Palestinian NGOs to ‘terrorism’
+972 and Local Call have obtained the latest report sent from Israel to foreign diplomats in a fresh attempt to justify outlawing six Palestinian civil society groups. The document, which is full of unsubstantiated claims, has left EU leaders unconvinced. Europe continues to stand with Palestinian NGOs.
2022 Sponsored Diet for Palestine
Participate in this project organized by “14 Friends of Palestine” to support the Palestinian cause by raising money for three recipients: If Americans Knew, Khitam, and the 2020 Freedom Flotilla. (The current record raised from a single dieter in past years is $3,000.)
Palestinian senior citizen dies after hit-and-run by Israeli police
On January 5th, an Israeli tow truck escorted by a police vehicle hit Suleiman Hathaleen and dragged him several meters. Then both Israeli vehicles fled. Official Israeli narrative of the incident doesn’t even mention that a Palestinian had been struck. Hathaeen died Sunday of his injuries. His death was just the latest incident in a long, revealing story…