Search Results for: billionaire

“Alternative facts” abound in Trump’s Israeli-American Council speech

In his recent, anti-Semitism-tainted speech, President Trump offered a buffet of falsehoods: sins of omission, sins of commission, white lies, and whoppers.

Virgin Airlines’ Richard Branson – a force for justice for Palestinians?

Sir Richard Branson, billionaire, activist, and philanthropist, understands the Palestinian plight. As his airline begins operation in Israel, will he be true to his own philosophy, “social justice is good for business”?

Dem candidates mostly turn a blind eye to Israeli atrocities and Palestinian rights

On the critical issue of Israel/Palestine, Democratic presidential hopefuls reveal a strong pro-Israel leaning that does not match the sentiments of a huge swath of Democratic voters.

Pro-Israel neocons abound in Washington, and they’re calling the shots

Longtime Middle East analyst Jeffrey Blankfort discusses the history of pro-Israel neoconservatives in Washington, and the influence of AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson in Middle East policy – and he’s naming names.