Search Results for: GREAT MARCH

Super Tuesday: Israel partisans work to block Sanders’ nomination

As voters go to the polls in 14 states, the Democratic establishment, often heavily influenced by Israel partisans, is trying to block a Sanders’ nomination that could potentially be ‘catastrophic’ for Israel… Klobuchar, Buttigieg, O’Rourke etc have endorsed Biden… but Bloomberg still hopes to win a brokered election after his half a billion dollars worth of advertising…

How do Bernie & Buttigieg stand on Israel-Palestine?

One supports Palestinian human rights. One says he’d keep the $10 million per day flowing to Israel no matter what it does. Which is which? Spoiler alert: 18 pro-Israel billionaires have donated to Buttigieg (see list)

Analyses of Trump’s Peace Plan for Israel-Palestine, “Deal of the Century” (Updated)

US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” violates international law in a number of ways. It gravely violates the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people. It gives Israelis the illusion of security while in reality trapping them within an unstable regime based on racial oppression. Read analyses from the New Yorker, UK Guardian, Mondoweiss, Informed comment, and American Conservative. Also gives link to the 181-page document of the plan…

The oligarch behind today’s World Holocaust Forum attended by presidents and kings

By Alison Weir: At least 45 world leaders have responded to a summons to attend the World Holocaust Forum in Israel to “fight antisemitism.” The event is organized by a Russian-Israeli oligarch who considers support for Palestinian human rights “antisemitic.” He is promoting an Orwellian program that would criminalize “intolerance” and require re-education programs for anyone who strays beyond accepted views…

Ilhan Omar: “Anti-Semite of the Year,” or deliberately distorted?

By Kathryn Shihadah: StopAntisemitism accuses Rep. Ilhan Omar of “anti-Semitic” words and actions. It’s not hard to detect the falsity of these accusations – or the Israel partisanship that drives them.

Jewish Congress launches campaign against ‘antisemitism’ (aka support for Palestinian rights)

By Alison Weir. The European Jewish Congress has launched a worldwide social media campaign against “antisemitism” (which, in EJC eyes, includes opposition to Israeli human rights abuses). The man behind the campaign, EJC President Moshe Kantor, is a Russian-Israeli oligarch known for “unscrupulous business dealings” who says BDS is antisemitic, calls for severe punishment of “intolerance,” and is the founder of numerous international entities.

Federal lawsuit filed against Pro-Palestinian human rights vigil

By Alison Weir. When Henry Herskovitz was prohibited by his synagogue from giving a talk on his trip to the Palestinian Territories, he began a weekly vigil that has lasted 16 years. Meanwhile, the synagogue hosts Israeli soldiers & takes children on propaganda trips to Israel… Now a synagogue member is suing Herskovitz, and the SPLC has accused him of ‘Holocaust denial’…