Chas Freeman’s 2009 statement is as relevant as it was when he made it: “The tactics of the Israel Lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth…”
Neocons Enlist in Anti-Trump #Resistance
James Cardin writes in Consortium News that the neocons and the pro-Hillary #Resistance are not such strange bedfellows after all. Indeed, the #Resistance’s newfound enthusiasm for many prominent NeverTrumpers like Kristol and Frum, who push war, helps explain the neocon revival now underway.
Philip Weiss: The role of Jewish Democrats in bill that could imprison Israel boycotters for 20 years
Philip Weiss says the key people behind bills that would punish boycotters with a minimum fine of $250,000 and a maximum penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison are Jewish Zionists in the Democratic party… but others are opposing AIPAC and he predicts that side will ultimately win.
Arab Daily News: Violence in Israel defined by hypocrisy and race
Israel and mainstream media spotlight Palestinian violence, downplays Israeli Jewish or settler fanatic violence. Christians and Muslims are severely punished, while Israeli Jews and settlers often get a pass.
Media selectively report on Jerusalem unrest; the clock keeps ticking…
Mainstream media under-report Israeli aggression, which will make the Palestinians’ eventual response appear to be unprovoked violence.
ADL, Nat’l Assoc of Jewish Legislators call for Special Envoy who monitors criticism of Israel
The National Association of Jewish Legislators and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are demanding that President Donald Trump appoint a special envoy in the State Department “to monitor and combat” antisemitism that actually often focuses on activism supportive of Palestinian human rights.
The Intercept: U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminalize Support for BDS
AIPAC helped craft a bill making BDS a felony, subject to a minimum civil penalty of $250K and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison; many of its cosponsors have no idea what the bill contains.
FAIR: Attacks in Israel make headlines while Gaza’s humanitarian crisis ignored
Israeli officials have cut off electricity to almost 2 million Gazans for all but three or four hours a day, and the U.N. issued a report warning of a “looming humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza, but you wouldn’t know it from reading U.S. news.
Israel’s newest tourist attraction: family fantasy camps teach how to kill (coming soon to the US)
Israeli companies offer tourist training camps in which families, even with small children, practice shooting live ammunition at targets resembling Palestinians. Such courses are also being offered in the US.
Tikun Olam: IDF Reveals (Partially) Existence of Secret Nuclear Base Exposed Here Six Years Ago
Richard Silverstein reports that an ordinary Israeli wouldn’t have learned the name of the base until today. Even then, they wouldn’t know that Sdot Micha was Israel’s nuclear base, since that information was censored from the Haaretz report…