Category: Israeli espionage

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The strange case of Jonathan Pollard: Israel’s spy parole ends

Pollard was working as an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy, when Israel recruited him. He sold Israel a volume of classified documents measuring 10′ by 6′ by 6′ – thousands of pages that included secret information on the location of American ships & training exercises. The US prosecutor who handled the case said the damage Pollard did to U.S. security was “beyond calculation.” Yet, many Israel partisans in the U.S. advocated for Pollard, suggesting that their loyalty to Israel was greater than to America…

Israel’s plan to secretly fund pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

In 2018 The Forward reported on repeated efforts by the Israeli government money to push money into American Jewish institutions to use in advocating for Israel. The efforts come from an Israeli ministry whose actions, even within Israel, are veiled in secrecy….. American groups using this secret money to influence American discourse would be violating US law…

Israeli Spying on US, Perfecting 24/7 Surveillance Tech

Israel has long spied on the US, sometimes using backdoors into telecommunications hardware… Its high-tech sector assisted by US policies that virtually guarantee US technical innovations will be stolen and re-exported by Israeli high-tech companies… coronavirus-stimulated surveillance technologies in Israel & US…

Giraldi: Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi says the affair has all the hallmarks of a major espionage case, possibly tied to Israel… the filming procedure smacks of a sophisticated intelligence service compiling material to blackmail prominent politicians and other public figures… Prosecutor Acosta said: ‘I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence.’ (Prominent Israel partisan Alan Dershowitz helped Epstein escape major consequences)

Snowden: Israeli technology may have helped Saudis kill journalist

Fugitive NSA leaker Edward Snowden, speaking via video link to a group in Tel Aviv, lambasted Israel’s cyber-surveillance industry for the creation of “digital burglary tools that are being actively currently used to violate the human rights of dissidents, opposition figures, and activists,” possibly including Jamal Khashoggi. Ram Ben-Barak, former deputy director of the Mossad who now works in the surveillance industry, then justified the development of such software because Israel uses it to thwart “40 terror attacks a month” in Palestine/Israel.

Israel’s Fifth Column: Exercising control from inside the government

A Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff once said: ‘If the American people understood what a grip Israel has on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on’… An attack on a U.S. Navy ship… Top officials in a secretive office in the Treasury Department… A U.S. ambassador and his senior assistant… Wars for Israel… Where does it all end?