Tags: West Bank

Watch this 2-minute video about some of the Israeli violations of human rights that took place Oct 3-9, 2019, and see the full list of Israeli abuses against Palestinians that week.

Gideon Levy: Please, Bibi, Let the Annexation Begin

There’s no longer any real debate in Israel. The right wants to annex Palestinian land openly, and the center wants to annex, but deceive us. All that’s left now is to admit to the world that in reality Israel annexed the West Bank many years ago… it’s one country with an apartheid system.

Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)

Each month, numerous NGOs produce reports on the humanitarian situation in Israel-Palestine, but US media rarely report on them. See this compilation of reports by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, National Lawyers Guild, Red Cross, Christian Aid, B’Tselem, Defense for Children International, and others…