Someone at the Congressional Medal of Honor Society has chosen to perpetrate a cover-up about Israel’s attack on a U.S. Navy ship, thereby dishonoring a heroic recipient of the Medal of Honor and causing a stain on the Society…
Tags: USS Liberty
Netanyahu & Israel lobby tell Biden what to do, as Gaza bleeds
Giraldi: Biden gives Israel more weapons even as Gaza is bleeding… Blocks UN measures… The U.S. has surrendered key aspects of its national sovereignty to Israeli control… Pro-Israel lobby influences policies down to state & local governments, schools… covers up Israeli attack on USS Liberty…
The Magic of Israel: Censorship, Now you see it, now you don’t
Philip Giraldi reports on Israel and its US lobby, covering up alleged extortion of Congressman Max Gaetz’ father, censoring textbooks, Israeli attack on US Navy ship, pardons of Israeli spies…
Congressional Research Service: No Cong. investigation of USS Liberty
Over 20 years ago the the Congressional Research Service said that the US had never conducted an investigation of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty (despite claims to the opposite by Israel partisans). Now the CRS conclusion is official…
Live program with USS Liberty survivors & families
A live program on August 20, 2020 honoring the survivors and families of the USS Liberty, attacked by Israel.
Israel tried to sink a US Navy ship, Media covered it up
On this day 53 years ago, Israeli forces attacked the USS Liberty, killing 34 American servicemen and injuring at least 174. This is one of the most decorated crews in US history, yet the media have buried and misrepresented the attack, and the crew is still awaiting justice. (Includes documentaries)
Israel’s War Crimes Have Killed Americans
Philip Giraldi: The tale of the Liberty demonstrates that even fifty-three years ago the United States government was betraying its own people out of deference to Jewish power and to the state of Israel.
USS Liberty: Why Investigate the Attack on a US Navy Ship?
USS Liberty: Why Investigate the Attack on a US Navy Ship? Congressional investigations of the attacks on the USS Pueblo, USS Stark and USS Cole as well as the 1982 bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut were initiated almost immediately following each of those attacks. The Israelis attacked the USS Liberty over 19,100 days…
Turning Point USA Founder Charlie Kirk Insults USS Liberty Survivors
Charlie Kirk founded “Turning Point USA,” which claims to advocate policies associated with the conservative side of the political spectrum. Kirk recently insulted USS Liberty veterans, one of the most decorated crews in U.S Navy history. Joe Meadors, a survivor of Israel’s lethal attack on the USS Liberty, writes: “I hope others in Kirk’s organization or who share his political dogma don’t share his public disdain for American servicemen whose only crime is to be victims of Israeli War Crimes.
USS Liberty Veterans banned forever from Am Legion Nat’l Convention
Survivors of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty have been censored, threatened, ostracized, and bullied. American Legion leaders, supporting a foreign country over U.S. veterans, now are prohibiting them from having a booth at the annual convention. Please take action to support this crew – one of the most decorated in US Naval history…