USS Liberty crew wounded during Israeli attack that killed 34 and injured 174.
Charlie Kirk founded “Turning Point USA,” which claims to advocate policies associated with the conservative side of the political spectrum. Kirk recently insulted USS Liberty veterans, one of the most decorated crews in U.S. Navy history.
Joe Meadors, a survivor of Israel’s lethal attack on the USS Liberty, writes: “I hope others in Kirk’s organization or who share his political dogma don’t share his public disdain for American servicemen whose only crime is to be victims of Israeli War Crimes.”
by Joe Meadors
Open Letter to Charlie Kirk
Please Forward to Addressee
October 29, 2019
Mr. Charlie Kirk, Founder
Turning Point USA
4940 East Beverly Road
Phoenix, Arizona 85044
Dear Mr. Kirk:
In the video above you condemned as “Conspiracy Theorists” the officers and crew of the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) who survived the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on our ship.
Since the term is only used as a pejorative, since nothing could be further from the truth, and since your use of the term is a direct insult to the sacrifice of 34 of our shipmates, the effort of those of us who survived the attack and the suffering of the families of our fallen shipmates, I am compelled to write.
Mr. Kirk, over 52 years ago our “best friend and only ally in the Middle East” attacked us without warning and without provocation while we were steaming in international waters on a lawful mission for the United States.
Over 52 years ago military elements belonging to our “best friend and only ally in the Middle East” jammed our radios on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies.
Over 52 years ago unmarked aircraft belonging to our “best friend and only ally in the Middle East” attacked us without warning.
Over 52 years fighter aircraft from our “best friend and only ally in the Middle East” reported the correct nationality of the USS Liberty to their headquarters only to be told to begin their attack.
Over 52 years ago The White House ordered the Sixth Fleet to abandon us while we were still under attack by our “best friend and only ally in the Middle East” and calling for help.
Over 52 years ago attacking elements of our “best friend and only ally in the Middle East” departed the scene immediately after they ceased hostilities only to return 90 minutes later in an obvious attempt to claim they were coming to our help to drive off the forces attacking our ship.
Over 52 years ago the Commander in Chief, US Naval Forces Europe (CINCUSNAVEUR) ADM John S. McCain, Jr., signed a qualified endorsement to a US Navy Court of Inquiry Report that his Legal Advisor, Capt. Merlin Staring, recommend he not sign since it was replete with many gross errors.
Over 52 years ago the attack on the USS Liberty became the only attack on a US Navy ship since the end of World War II NOT to be the subject of a US government investigation. A mark that stands today despite the attacks on the USS Pueblo, USS Stark, and USS Cole all of which have been investigated by the US government. Likewise, the USS Vincennes incident and the bombing of the US Marine Barracks in Beirut have been investigated by the US government. Not so the attack on the USS Liberty.
For over 52 years USS Liberty survivors, our families and the families of our fallen shipmates have been waiting for the announcement that the US government has finally decided to investigate the attack on the USS Liberty.
Instead of being outraged at learning these facts about the attack on our ship as most patriotic Americans are, Mr. Kirk dismisses them as the rantings of a group of “Conspiracy Theorists.”
These are not baseless mutterings of a group of anti-Semitic bigots. Mr. Kirk.
These are proven facts being lived by the victims of Israeli War Crimes that were committed with the tacit approval and active participation of the United States government.
You can read them for yourself.
But you won’t. Said simply, you don’t give a damn about us. You don’t give a damn about the facts of the attack on our ship.
Your concern — and the concern of your audience — is for the forces who attacked us. For those who killed 34 of our shipmates.
34 Americans — like you.
34 Patriotic Americans — unlike you.
You’re in good company, Mr. Kirk.
That is the same concern repeatedly expressed by every Member of Congress for over 52 years.
What you will do is stand behind your microphone and insult the sacrifice of 34 Americans who were killed during the attack on the USS Liberty, the suffering of their families, and the effort of the survivors of the USS Liberty attack to ensure that attack is finally investigated by the US government.
We’re open to an apology from you, Mr. Kirk. But only if that apology is followed by a public and ongoing effort from you and your organization to ensure the US government conducts the investigation that has been denied the attack on the USS Liberty for over 52 years.
My email address is [email protected].
We hope you will agree that it was improper for you to single out a military unit for condemnation simply because we were attacked by our “best friend and only ally in the Middle East.”
Joe Meadors, USS Liberty Survivor
Director of Operations
USS Liberty Veterans Association
P.O. Box 689275
Marietta, GA 30068
Joe Meadors was a signalman on the bridge of the USS Liberty during the attack. He and Francis Brown hauled up a second American Flag after the steaming colors were shot down early in the air attack. That flag can be seen here. Meadors was on the bridge throughout the attack and was one of several eyewitnesses to the machine-gunning of the life rafts.
Kirk’s “information” about Israel comes from two short trips he took to Israel that were sponsored by Israel.
Related reading:
American Media Miss the Boat: For USA Today, Freedom of the Press Means the Right to Report It Wrong
American Legion calls for full investigation into Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty
War Crimes Committed Against U.S. Military Personnel, June 8, 1967