Blacks are not being asked; they’re being challenged to a loyalty oath – you support Israel’s fight against Hamas or, de facto, you don’t support our domestic Jewish struggles. Today, I fear that the Black-Jewish coalition celebrated in my ad is virtually nonexistent.
Tags: Robert Kraft
Tom Brady & Snoop Dogg’s Super Bowl Ad Isn’t What You Think—Here’s Who’s Behind It
They will appear in a Superbowl ad denouncing “hatred.” The ad is paid for by the “Foundation to Combat Antisemitism,” staffed by Israel lobbyists that attempts to equate opposition to Israel’s destruction of Gaza with anti-Jewish racism. It was founded by billionaire Patriots owner and Israel advocate Robert Kraft.
Evidence that U.S. pro-Israel groups may have violated U.S. laws
Israel has been illegally manipulating US policies – and some US organizations and politicians have been helping them, in violation of US laws… Will the government go after them and censure Israel, the way it did the claims of ‘Russian interference’? Or will Israel and its collaborators once again escape consequences?
Foundation to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’ will be coming after high school, college students
The Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism plans to teach high school and college students how to beat hate and embrace tolerance – except when it comes to Palestinians
Patriot owner pledges $20 million to set up yet another foundation for Israel
New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft pledged $20 million to establish a new foundation that will work to counter the international movement to boycott Israel over its violations of human rights. Kraft said that the foundation will combat “antisemitism,” which is often defined to mean criticism of Israel.
Pro-Israel billionaires Saban and Singer host dinner for Trump peace team to brief Jewish leaders
Haim Saban (Democratic donor) and Paul Singer (Republican donor) convened a private dinner featuring U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, Jared Kushner, and Jason Greenblatt. The kosher-catered dinner, held in a private room at New York’s Pierre Hotel, was for senior administration officials to discuss their emerging Israeli-Palestinian peace plan with powerful Jewish business and communal leaders, the latest of several private briefings for Jewish power brokers…
Billionaire Seth Klarman, donor to Israel causes, is one of the largest holders of Puerto Rican debt
Puerto Rico has suffered under a borrowing crisis in which creditors scooped up bonds on the cheap and then procured an astronomical payout. This has led to widespread suffering. Seth Klarman, whose hedge fund has one of the largest holdings of Puerto Rican debt, has donated through the years to numerous Israel lobby groups that enable Palestinian suffering…