The current situation in Gaza and Israel did not come out of the blue. Read critical background left out of breaking news alerts…
Tags: occupation
Gaza Seized the Initiative: Might vs Willpower
A Palestinian writer describes recent events as “raiding the prison posts” where Israel has kept Palestinians locked up – literally and figuratively – for years. Western media rarely include such inconvenient truths.
What Americans Need to Know about Gaza and Israel Right Now
Most Americans know little or nothing about the people of Gaza – or Palestinians in general. Here is a small step toward closing that knowledge gap.
National Review article misinforms readers on Israel
A detailed annotation of the errors and omissions that mislead readers on a profoundly important issue…including little-known information about Presidents Eisenhower, Reagan, and Bush Sr., who each had moments of clarity on this issue, and called out Israel for its abuses.
Israel committed 3,532 human rights violations against Palestinians in Jan. 2023
Israeli violence made January 2023 the bloodiest month for West Bank Palestinians in 8 years – including murders, injuries, land theft, building demolitions, and more. 7 Israelis have also been killed.
Major Israeli raid on Palestinian city kills 9, tear gas pediatric ward
The Palestinian death toll in 2023 has risen to 28 after the latest Israeli attack on the city of Jenin. After shooting Palestinians, Israeli soldiers (as usual) blocked ambulances from tending to the injured, as well as firing tear gas at the pediatric ward of a nearby hospital.
2022: 12 months of Israeli violence against Palestinians
2022 was a deadly year for Palestinians under Israeli occupation. If Americans Knew brought you crucial information – and will continue in 2023.
Palestinian brothers killed after Israeli settler runs them over
Local media report that the brothers had stopped to change a tire while running errands for their sister’s wedding, when they were deliberately struck by an Israeli settler’s car. The driver then fled the scene.
Israeli Soldiers Kill Another Palestinian – fifth one in December
Israeli soldiers killed yet another Palestinian man, Mojahed Hamed, alleging that he had shot at an Israeli military post from his car. No Israelis were injured.
Israeli soldier shoots, kills unarmed Palestinian at point-blank range
As an unarmed Palestinian young man, Ammar Mifleh, resisted arrest by a well-armed Israeli soldier, the soldier took out a pistol and shot him four times at point-blank range, killing him.