Many individuals at Marvel are associated with the Israeli military, Israeli intelligence, and Zionist institutions, e.g both Marvel chair Isaac Perlmutter and CEO Avi Arad grew up in Israel and served in the Israeli military…
Tags: Mossad
Author Martin Sandler says Mossad may have assassinated JFK
Martin Sandler, award winning author of books and textbooks on U.S. history, suggests Israel’s Mossad may have assassinated JFK. He was speaking at John F. Kennedy Museum in Hyannis, Massachusetts on November 6, 2013.
Flashback: U.S. agencies investigate Israeli “art students”
2002 Salon report: For almost 2 years, 100s of Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices – in particular, the DEA. No one knows why – and no one seems to want to find out. Fox News’ broadcast a 4-part report on it, then removed all traces of the broadcast from its channel…
Does Ghislaine have Epstein’s blackmail videos (for Israel)?
Philip Giraldi reports that Ghislaine Maxwell may have sex videos from Epstein (working with Israel) hidden in a secret location & may be using them to cut a deal with investigators, according to a 60 Minutes producer… they may include Bill Clinton & Trump…
‘Israel worst counter-intelligence threat to US in the Middle East’ – US Security Establishment
US security establishment: Israel 2nd most aggressive nation spying on the US… number one counter-intelligence threat in the Mideast… Israel sold US war plans to USSR… Mossad is a ‘second rate’ operation… ‘often gives the US faulty, misleading intelligence…’’
Israel’s propaganda on Iran’s nuclear program led to death of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
The Mossad has spent years on a propaganda campaign aimed at convincing the world Iran possessed a nuclear weapons program – and ‘legitimizing’ its assassinations of Iranian academics, Gareth Porter reports.
Israel’s Fingerprints Are All Over the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani
Although there has been no official confirmation or denial of the Israeli role in the US operation, it is only logical to assume indirect or even direct Israeli involvement in the assassination.
Why did Microsoft fund an Israeli firm that surveils West Bank Palestinians?
Microsoft committed to protecting democratic freedoms. Then it funded an Israeli facial recognition firm that secretly watches West Bank Palestinians…
Netflix series “The Spy” is propaganda, not fact
The new Netflix series, “The Spy,” appears to be more fiction than fact as it tells the story of Israeli spy Eli Cohen. The show may be Mossad’s attempt to rescue its reputation after years of botched operations and blown covers.
Israel Spies and Spies and Spies
Former CIA counter-terrorism specialist Philip Giraldi comments on Israel’s history of spying on its closest ally and patron, the US – including stealing military secrets – and the American government’s habit of covering for the Jewish State.