The assertion that Israel is trying to provoke a wider regional conflict appeared nowhere in the mainstream media coverage of Iran’s retaliatory strike.
Tags: Censorship
Watching the watchdogs: Israel’s attacks on journalists are backfiring
Israel is killing Palestinian journalists, banning foreign media from reporting on Gaza – and losing credibility.
Raise your Palestine I.Q. with these 6 good reads
Read up on the Palestine issue: a bit of history, a hostage’s account, thoughts on censorship and genocide, quick stops in Germany and the US, then back to Gaza.
The fates of Gaza and Julian Assange are sealed together
Article by Jonathan Cooke & a video of Tucker Carlson interviewing Stella Assange…
Palestinian-American child killed in Illinois: this is what media reports left out
The killing of a Palestinian-American boy on Friday was neither a random occurrence nor a simple act of Islamophobia. It happened because many media reports misinformed Americans, and politicians, including the President, repeated Israeli spin and disinformation
Google Has Refused to Run Our Ad
Google has refused to run our ad, labeling it “Election Advertising”, which it clearly is not. See for yourself. We’ve now submitted this one. Stay tuned to see if they run it…
Social media’s history of suppressing Palestine content
Social media platforms Twitter, Facebook & Instagram have repressed Palestinian voices for years, often at the direction of the Israeli government…
Israel’s latest killing spree – minor news to US media
American mainstream media have averted their gaze (again) from Palestinian suffering. Eleven Palestinian deaths in seven days is apparently not news.
Facebook report concludes company censorship violated Palestinian human rights
The report, published today, said Facebook and Instagram showed bias against Palestinians during a brutal Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip in May 2021.
Banishment from the Financial System: the War on Dissent
Journalist Glenn Greenwald reports on extremely disturbing developments in the ongoing efforts to suppress information & dissent. These violations of fundamental principles are a danger to all…