Search Results for: torture

Israel Convicts Israeli-American Hacker Who Terrorized U.S. Jews (and others) With Bomb Threats

While the ADL continually claims a “rise in antisemitism” – and the claims are repeated verbatim by U.S. media – an Israeli has been convicted of being behind over 2,000 false threats. His hard disk also contained child pornography for sale, including nude photos of underage girls, videos of underage girls being raped and sexual relations between minors. He also threatened some U.S. officials. 

Jerusalem: The Not-so-eternal Capital of the Jewish People

Ha’aretz reports: Jerusalem has existed for over 7,000 years. Jews have been unquestionably connected with the city for 3,000 or so – yet it functioned as their capital only for short periods in history.

Israeli police teach schoolchildren how to shoot Palestinians

Israeli police got caught teaching kids how to shoot Palestinians. Police & school staff claim they “noticed” they’d hung up pictures of people in kuffiyehs for target practice, and removed them before any children saw them. The Israeli education minister called it a “serious mishap.” This isn’t the first such incident.

The Forced Displacement of Palestinians Never Truly Ended: A Revealing Family Story

As Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary, a child and grandchild of exiled Palestinian refugees describes his remarkable family history – family members harbored Jewish neighbors in 1929, helped Count Folke Bernadotte, after Israel confiscated the family home, Golda Meir lived there… and discusses the continuing injustices endured as Palestinians resist Israel’s violent colonization.