Search Results for: settlers

EI: These are the Israeli leaders who want to destroy al-Aqsa

Dan Cohen reports in EI on the role & beliefs of Jewish extremists in the Jerusalem crisis: ‘if Muslims and Christians surrender and say from now on, there is no more Christianity and no more Islam, and the mosques and Christian spires come down, then they would be allowed to live. “If not,” he warned, “you kill all of their males by sword. You leave only the women.”

Diverse groups push for ‘Anti-Semitism Envoy’ who monitors criticism of Israel

A former Antisemitism Envoy adopted a new, Israel-centric definition for antisemitism, and then used it to train U.S. diplomats. The envoy position has proved a revolving door to Israel lobbying organizations (see video). Now groups from the ADL to the Southern Poverty Law Center are disturbed that Trump isn’t filling the position.

Instead of Taylor Force Act, Congress should consider Rachel Corrie Act, Orwah Hammad Act

Instead of commemorating a tragic death with legislation that will cut off funding to Palestinians and create more misery and, most likely, violence, Congress should enact a Rachel Corrie Act, a Brian Avery Act, an Emily Henoschowitz Act, a Tristan Anderson Act, a Tariq Abukhdeir Act, and an Orwah Hammad Act. See details of what they would contain…