Search Results for: settlers

Study: At least 78% of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians ends up in Israeli coffers

Israel has been outsmarting the West, says Israeli economist Shir Hever, making a profit on the occupation instead of paying its bills. The international community has so incentivized the occupation, that Israelis – not Palestinians – have become “the most aid-dependent people in the world.” 

Associated Press Double Standard in Israel-Palestine Reporting

A study of AP’s 2018 reports on Palestinians and Israelis killed found that AP headlines reported on Israeli deaths at a rate four times greater than on Palestinian deaths, and that articles were almost three times longer. Essential information was often missing; never once, for example, did AP use the term “occupied” or “occupation”…

14-year-old Ghada was the latest victim of Israel’s dehumanising machine

How did a 14-year-old Palestinian girl who has never set foot in the open-air prison of Gaza find herself being dumped there by Israeli officials – alone, at night and without her parents being informed? Ghada’s story, like Ahed Tamimi’s and the African refugees’, is the story of the indifference that is created by an occupation machine.