Search Results for: paul singer

AIPAC takes newly elected Congress members, CNN’s Setmayer on propaganda trips to Israel

The Israel lobby is taking newly elected Congressional representatives, CNN-ABC commentator Tara Setmayer, & California “progressive leaders” on propaganda trips to Israel. AIPAC IS using a loophole that violates the spirit of the law… and seems to be functioning as a foreign agent…

Israel propaganda trips target ‘Pacific Progressive Leaders’ – no one will say who’s going

An $85 million Israel advocacy organization is taking local American officials identified as “progressive” on propaganda trips to Israel. While no one will divulge the rosters, we have a few names of California participants in these extravagant, influence peddling affairs… and ideas about what to do about them

NYT story on billionaire Seth Klarman hid his Israel lobby role… Les Wexner also quit Republicans over concern for Israel

Mondoweiss reports: ‘Israel is at the heart of Klarman’s giving, but NYT reporter Bari Weiss hid this – she’s an Israel advocate and doesn’t want to advertise the power of the Israel lobby & the clout of pro-Israel Jews.’ Billionaire Les Wexner also quit Republicans over worry that Trump’s actions will ultimately hurt Israel…

The Israel lobby: A List

The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive special interest groups in the U.S. It consists of a multitude of institutions and individuals that work to influence Congress, the president, academia, the media, religious institutions, and American public opinion on behalf of Israel. View the list…

Israel is trying to ‘suck America into’ Iranian war that could lead to world war — Lawrence Wilkerson

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, speaks about the possible damage to the Middle East and beyond, if Israel gets its way. Israel needs the power of the US to go into attack mode against Iran’s proverbial “existential threat.” Contains a video of his speech.

Flynn’s plea on Russian influence reveals… Israel’s influence!

Is Russiagate actually Israelgate? The media’s misdirection in blaming the Russians for influence peddling ignores Israel’s central role in Flynn’s fall. An article by Phil Weiss reports on the Israeli connection and a report by Philip Girald describes Jared Kushner’s apparent role as an Israeli government agent of influence…

Billionaire Seth Klarman, donor to Israel causes, is one of the largest holders of Puerto Rican debt

Puerto Rico has suffered under a borrowing crisis in which creditors scooped up bonds on the cheap and then procured an astronomical payout. This has led to widespread suffering. Seth Klarman, whose hedge fund has one of the largest holdings of Puerto Rican debt, has donated through the years to numerous Israel lobby groups that enable Palestinian suffering…