While there was some media coverage of the May violence, U.S. media have largely ignored the continued killing, invasions, and rampages in the months since…
Search Results for: lobby list
Israeli lawmaker regrets that ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was not completed
Plenty of Israel partisans deny or explain away the Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians c.1948 – but Israeli political leader Bezalel Smotrich openly admits it, and wishes it had gone further.
Congress has introduced over 70 pieces of Israel-centric legislation so far in 2021
With documentation from 150 sources, If Americans Knew presents over 70 pieces of legislation now under consideration in Congress, which seek to guarantee Israel, not just $10 million a day in military aid, but also an additional $10 million per day expended on items because they benefit Israel, as well as protection from criticism, condemnation of its adversaries, and support for new allies – with nothing in return, and in spite of Israel’s bad behavior. Justice for Palestinians is the subject of one bill.
Israel’s Decades of Economic Espionage in the United States
Israel, which receives billions of dollars from American taxpayers, has conducted espionage in the US – especially economic espionage – since its creation in 1948. The illegal behavior includes stealing US technology, the fraudulent diversion of US foreign aid, the illicit retransfer of sensitive US technologies to third parties, and violation of end-use restrictions on U.S. military items transferred to Israel…
Young Evangelical support for Israel drops by half in 3 years – study
While the evangelical Christian establishment is firmly in the pro-Israel camp, this may change as increasing numbers of young evangelicals now support Palestinian rights – a position held by many Southern Baptists when they overwhelming opposed Truman’s instant 1948 recognition of Israel…
Israel to get another billion dollars – Time for an Iron Dome for Palestinians
U.S. politicians just voted another billion dollars to Israel – allegedly to protect civilian lives. If they really wish to save civilian lives, it’s time for our Congress members to introduce legislation for a missile defense system for Palestinians, who are being killed in vastly larger numbers… (The post contains a form to contact Congress now!)
Pro-Israel America announces new round of congressional endorsements
Though the midterms are still far off, the bipartisan advocacy group Pro-Israel America has been aggressively promoting candidates ahead of the 2022 midterms – see list. PIA claims that it raised more than $3 million for pro-Israel candidates in the 2020 elections.
Secret gag order hides Israel’s espionage & theft of US nuclear technology
A classified 2012 gag order prohibits all governmental officials, including Congress members, from mentioning Israel’s nuclear arsenal… For decades Israel has gotten away with massive espionage directed against the US and the theft of nuclear material and technology… The collusion borders on treason
‘Israel’s Lawyer’ et al promote US militarism, anti-Iran policies
Even while the US is exiting the tragic, disastrous Afghanistan war, Israel partisan are pushing an attack on Iran… Dennis Ross served under Presidents Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Obama. As an ardent Israel advocate, he was dubbed “Israel’s lawyer”… He’s just one of many Israel partisans promoting US aggression against Iran. Now Ross advocates giving Israel the means to start a major regional war that would likely escalate to include direct US involvement. Read the facts and take action…
Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism ignores Palestinian rights, narrative
A new, “improved” definition of antisemitism still fails to acknowledge the history of Palestinian dispossession, preferring to focus on Israeli Jews’ desire to just live their lives, liberated from any obligation to provide Palestinians with actual equality or dignity.