Israel just completed a massacre in Gaza, and is in the midst of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem – so obviously, it needs to restock its military supplies. And obviously the US will be asked to pay for it.
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Could Biden Be Impeached for Aiding and Abetting Israeli War Crimes?
One expert is calling for President Biden to face impeachment over his support for Israel. The Biden administration has green-lighted Israel’s bombing of Gaza, blocked the UN Security Council from addressing Israel’s assault on Gaza, and is now sending more weapons to Israel in violation of international law.
U.S. pro-Israel policy has perpetuated the crisis and atrocities in Gaza
Thanks to the Israel lobby, the United States has played a vital role in the decades-long catastrophe that has engulfed Palestine. U.S. leaders from both parties must now confront their own complicity in this catastrophe, and the American public must demand change.
A history of the US blocking UN resolutions against Israel
Over the past five decades, the United States has vetoed at least 53 UN Security Council resolutions critical of Israel – 3 in just the last week.
Netanyahu & Israel lobby tell Biden what to do, as Gaza bleeds
Giraldi: Biden gives Israel more weapons even as Gaza is bleeding… Blocks UN measures… The U.S. has surrendered key aspects of its national sovereignty to Israeli control… Pro-Israel lobby influences policies down to state & local governments, schools… covers up Israeli attack on USS Liberty…
Chris Hedges: Israel, the Big Lie
Israel is not exercising “the right to defend itself” in the occupied Palestinian territories. It is carrying out mass murder, aided and abetted by the U.S.
After Years of Quiet, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Exploded. Why Now?
NY Times report: A little-noticed police action in Jerusalem last month was one of several incidents that led to the current crisis in which Israel is using violence against Palestinians in Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank.
The Real Reason Israel Annexed East Jerusalem
Ha’aretz’s correspondent covered the story of the city’s unification after the Six-Day War. Fifty years later he revisits the dramatic decision that changed the face of the Middle East. He reports that this critical act, which for 50 years has prevented peace, was not a result of strategic planning or motivated by existential national need…
Thomas Friedman’s foundation supports pro-Israel and Islamophobic causes
The New York Times columnist has been donating sizable sums to pro-Israel organizations for many years, but has managed to keep his benevolence under wraps – until now.
The Israel Lobby: What Everyone Needs to Know (video and transcript)
The Israel lobby is the most powerful and the most pernicious lobby representing the interest of a foreign nation in all of American history. Israel and its lobby have been primarily responsible for the failure to achieve a comprehensive Middle East peace.