Search Results for: human rights reports updated

Congress has voted billions of dollars to Israel. No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans about this, which works out to over $7,000 per minute. AIPAC thanks & names the Congress members who helped pass this massive aid to a tiny, criminal foreign country… George Washington had warned against an attachment to any foreign nation, stating: “a passionate attachment of one Nation for another produces a variety of evils…”

California schools ‘anti-bigotry’ initiative partnering with group known for bigotry

In the midst of a pandemic drastically impacting California students’ ability to receive an education, state schools Superintendent Tony Thurmond has launched an initiative focusing on bigotry… One component features a questionable institution with a deeply dubious agenda… 

Dear ADL: there’s no place for “No Place For Hate” in our schools

The Anti-Defamation League wants to train our children to treat all people equally and with respect. They refuse to take their own advice when it comes to Palestinians, preferring instead to silence their calls for justice and turn a blind eye to Israel’s human rights abuses. A discriminatory organization that bullies others should not be in our schools.

AIPAC strategist & longtime Biden friend is cautiously optimistic about Biden win

Jewish News of Northern California interview with Dem strategist Sam Lauter. Lauter had met Biden at an AIPAC conference in about 1983, telling him after listening to his speech, “When I graduate from Cal., I’m moving to D.C. to work for you.” (Lauter’s mother, Naomi, was involved in AIPAC’s founding… He later became AIPAC head for the SF Bay Area, and is currently a board member of the Democratic Majority for Israel… he has kept in touch with Biden on and off over the past 30-plus years…