Haroun Abu Aram, 27, had been shot in the neck by an Israeli soldier trying to confiscate a family’s generator; Haroun had been a quadriplegic ever since. Mahmoud Al-Ayedi, 17, was shot in the head during an Israeli military invasion of his refugee camp…
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Israeli guards called him “the Christian” to insult him, then beat him some more
Israeli police burst into his home, broke his nose and a tooth, then dragged him by force, bound and blindfolded, to their van. After 41 days of beatings in an Israeli prison, 16-year-old Shadi Khoury is finally released to house arrest
His family had to break their usual tradition of visiting his grandmother on Christmas in Bethlehem and attending Christmas mass because of Shadi’s house arrest…
His mother is concerned that his adolescence has been lost forever…
Israel’s latest killing spree – minor news to US media
American mainstream media have averted their gaze (again) from Palestinian suffering. Eleven Palestinian deaths in seven days is apparently not news.
Bloodstains & Destruction: Israeli soldiers’ beating of Shadi Khoury
Everyone was asleep. Israeli police pounded on the door, entered violently, beat a child who refused to undress in front of them. They took him, blindfolded and barefoot, to be interrogated for days or longer… For Palestinians, this is par for the course – even for prominent Christian families and students at the Quakers Friends School.
Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israel’s founding war… and after
‘”Place the Material in the Wells..” Documents from Israeli archives reveal the Israeli army’s 1948 biological warfare… Some oral testimonies have previously reported this – now two Israeli historians have found the ‘smoking gun’..plus recent reports of Israelis poisoning Palestinian wells…
Israeli soldiers kill three Palestinians in two days
Twenty-two Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of September (six of them under 20 years old); one Israeli soldier has also been killed. As is often the case with Palestinians shot by Israel, two of these latest victims were denied medical assistance, and their bodies are being withheld.
Israeli Soldiers Kill Four, Injure Forty-Four Palestinians, In Jenin
In Jenin on Wednesday, Israeli soldiers targeted not just resistance fighters, but also reporters, ambulances, and medics. Nearby schools – including a kindergarten – were under threat, and Palestinians protesting this brutality were assaulted.
This is not an isolated Israeli attack, nor is it a mere retaliation for the killing of an Israeli soldier. This is a military superpower prohibiting legal resistance and protest against its illegal occupation. Some in Israeli media have surmised that israel is purposely provoking another intifada (uprising). The Palestinian death toll this month alone is now up to 18 (1 Israeli is also dead.).
‘You Accuse Us of Being Terrorists. What Do You Expect of Us, When You Come to the Village to Kill?’
A visit to a West Bank ‘terrorist village,’ where the family of Uday Salah is in mourning. The teen was shot to death by an Israeli sniper during a nighttime army raid, after the killing of an Israeli officer, allegedly by someone in the town.
Two Palestinian Boys, Two Eyes Lost to Israeli Army Gunfire
Two Palestinian boys, aged 11 and 15, each lost sight in an eye after being shot by Israeli soldiers. The younger one has been denied entry into Israel to receive medical care because he is a ‘security risk.’ The older boy traveled to Jordan to try to save his eye.
Transcripts of Kafr Qasem Massacre Trial Revealed: Palestinian ‘Fatalities Were Desirable’
Israel’s 1956 Sinai Campaign included the massacre of 50 residents of the Palestinian town of Kafr Qasem for violating a curfew that they had not been told about. Testimony indicates that Israeli soldiers were told to “leave a few dead in each village” in hopes they would frighten the rest of the residents to flee to Jordan.