Yet another Palestinian child killed – this time by a private Israeli security guard at a checkpoint. Israeli forces then ransacked the victim’s family home.
Search Results for: ethnic cleansing
Israel’s use of skunk water is damaging Palestinian health and economy
Israeli police repeatedly spray skunk water in Palestinian East Jerusalem, making life unbearable for Palestinian business owners and dangerous for all residents.
WATCH: Israel’s ‘Break the Bones’ policy
During the First Palestinian “intifada” (uprising), Israel perpetrated a policy of breaking protesters’ bones, ordered by future Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin…
Altercation between Israeli and Palestinian legislators offers a snapshot of the larger issue
An ultra-nationalist Israeli lawmaker’s behavior on Tuesday is a microcosm of the conduct and attitude of Israel as a whole: bullying, self-absorbed, faux-victimized, evasive.
Congress has introduced over 70 pieces of Israel-centric legislation so far in 2021
With documentation from 150 sources, If Americans Knew presents over 70 pieces of legislation now under consideration in Congress, which seek to guarantee Israel, not just $10 million a day in military aid, but also an additional $10 million per day expended on items because they benefit Israel, as well as protection from criticism, condemnation of its adversaries, and support for new allies – with nothing in return, and in spite of Israel’s bad behavior. Justice for Palestinians is the subject of one bill.
AP ignores Israel’s brutality in its Morning Wire
As Israel – recipient of billions of US taxpayer dollars a year – kills, wounds, and abducts Palestinians of all ages, the Associated Press continues its practice of downplaying or omitting news about Israeli violence. Articles highlighted in AP’s Morning Wire newsletter confirm the outlet’s ongoing bias.
Gaza border protest: reading between the tweets
Times of Israel editor Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian tweeted about Saturday’s Gaza border protest – using half-truths & Israel-centric reasoning that defies logic
Israel’s ongoing “Water War” against Palestinians
Israel controls water resources from the river to the sea, illegally pilfering water from Palestinian aquifers and selling it back at exorbitant prices to Palestinians. Israel’s “water war” is just a facet of its ongoing settler-colonial project to make life unbearable for Palestinians, and ultimately replace them with Israeli Jews.
Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism ignores Palestinian rights, narrative
A new, “improved” definition of antisemitism still fails to acknowledge the history of Palestinian dispossession, preferring to focus on Israeli Jews’ desire to just live their lives, liberated from any obligation to provide Palestinians with actual equality or dignity.
Dear Star Parker, please take this crash course on the facts about Israel
A respected journalist, apparently misinformed about history and current events in Israel, has unfortunately shared with her readers several inaccuracies about Israel and the people of Palestine. Her misunderstandings are not uncommon. If Americans Knew offers corrections.