An Israeli soldier sees a slim teenager approaching the fence, unarmed, not endangering anyone – and shoots him in the head with live ammunition, destroying his life and that of his family, probably for all time. At first the IDF claims that the soldier had thwarted a “knifing attack;” later they say that the teen had “put his hand in his pocket in a suspicious way.”
Search Results for: east jerusalem
Israeli forces kill 2 more unarmed Palestinians, shoot youth dressed as Santa Claus in the legs
Israeli forces have killed two more unarmed demonstrators in Gaza. Soldiers also shot a youth dressed as Santa Claus in the legs, and injured over 40 others with live ammunition. This brings the toll of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces to 12 since Dec. 6th. (No Israelis have been killed since September.)
Army Injures Dozens Of Schoolchildren In Deir Nitham
Deir Nitham is invaded by Israeli soldiers frequently – this time firing teargas bombs into a school full of children. Dozens suffered from teargas inhalation.
Israeli forces imprison 16-year-old Palestinian girl, her mother, and her cousin – after shooting another cousin in the face
Mohammed is 14 and in a coma from being shot in the face. Now 2 of his female cousins and his aunt are in prison. Because in occupied Palestine, Israel takes revenge on the victim.
The Intolerable Hypocrisy of the American Jewish Congress
The American Jewish Congress claims to respect Palestinians’ rights while lauding the means by which Israel was created: the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Take Action! Palestinian nonviolent leader’s son, Abdul-Khalik Burnat, abducted by Israeli occupation forces
Tell Congress to demand that Israel release Abdul-Khalik Burnat, his two friends, and the hundreds of other Palestinian men, women, and children, Israeli forces have recently rounded up, beaten, and imprisoned…
How Israel represses the internet in Palestine
Israel is keeping Palestinians in the Dark Ages technologically, at least 16 years behind the rest of the world in internet access, denying human development, which is a human right.
Israeli military kills five Palestinians, injures 1,778 since Monday
Demonstrations continue, casualty numbers are on the rise since Trump’s announcement on Monday, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Neocons in Trump’s new cabinet, expect armed conflict
Tom Cotton, expected to become CIA director, is owned by the Israel Lobby. In 2014 he received $1 million from the Emergency Committee for Israel and additional money from the Republican Jewish Coalition… Foundation for Defense of Democracies is neocon central… expect the neocons to initiate armed conflict…
Dionne and Shields ignore the Adelson in the room
Two major commentators said Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because he wanted to influence evangelical voters, but left out that Trump’s largest donor was Sheldon Adelson, who has been demanding the embassy be moved to Jerusalem, and that Trump’s campaign promise about the embassy was given at AIPAC’s national convention in Washington DC, not in a red state…