Search Results for: christian

Forward, JTA, NYT, CNN ‘lie through omission’ about Tlaib, Omar trip

Media are attacking the Congresswomen by claiming that the group sponsoring their proposed trip ‘promoted blood libels.’ The claim is based on one item briefly posted on the NGO’s website six years ago… and the news reports don’t mention that the item quoted an Israeli news report about a book (since retracted) by a prominent Israeli historian saying there was “a factual basis for some of the medieval blood libels against the Jews…”

NeoCon billionaire Paul Singer is sending US tech jobs to Israel

Top US tech companies are filling positions with former members of Israeli military intelligence, as well as operatives from Israeli companies known to have spied on American citizens, companies, and the government. Billionaire American Paul Singer is behind the Netanyahu-inspired movement, which has seen tens of thousands of layoffs in the US as new jobs are created in Israel. 

Israel-born Treasury official is at the center of U.S. policies on Iran

At the Center of U.S. Iran policies is an Israel-born Treasury official named Sigal Mandelker. The Atlantic writes that Mandelker’s ‘hand is on the lever’ of crippling economic sanctions meant to force Iran’s ‘capitulation or demise’… meanwhile the Treasury Department refuses to divulge whether Mandelker is still an Israeli citizen… Fyi: Iran has long been in Israel’s crosshairs…