Search Results for: child

Bloodstains & Destruction: Israeli soldiers’ beating of Shadi Khoury

Everyone was asleep. Israeli police pounded on the door, entered violently, beat a child who refused to undress in front of them. They took him, blindfolded and barefoot, to be interrogated for days or longer… For Palestinians, this is par for the course – even for prominent Christian families and students at the Quakers Friends School.

From a Palestinian grandmother about what’s happening to her grandson

Samia Khoury writes that in the early hours of the morning Israeli forces stormed her family home and began beating her grandson, a student at the Quakers Friends School, until he was bleeding all over the room, then dragged him away barefoot and blindfolded….

Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israel’s founding war… and after

‘”Place the Material in the Wells..” Documents from Israeli archives reveal the Israeli army’s 1948 biological warfare… Some oral testimonies have previously reported this – now two Israeli historians have found the ‘smoking gun’ recent reports of Israelis poisoning Palestinian wells…