Search Results for: child

The Israel Factor in Neocons’ Anti-Russia Warmongering over Ukraine

The anti-Russia Ukraine crisis was originally stirred up by neocons furious that Russia was preventing ‘two top Israeli priorities: US military strikes on Syria & Iran”…  Now their efforts are continuing. Key players are Victoria Nuland and the rest of the Kagan family…

There’s a Mass Palestinian Grave at a Popular Israeli Beach, Veterans Confess

“I was a murderer. I didn’t take prisoners,” admitted an Israeli combat soldiers present for the June 1948 massacre in the Palestinian town of Tantura. “I had a machine gun with 250 bullets. I can’t say how many [I killed].”

Ha’aretz: This Filmmaker Dares to Question the Figure of 6 Million Jewish Victims in WWII

A major Israeli newspaper reports on a new documentary by an Israeli filmmaker that investigates how many Jews were killed by the Nazis. A staff member at Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Center told him the ‘6 million’ was ‘not a precise number.’ Israeli scholars say: “The importance of this number long ago exceeded the issue of historical accuracy.” Among scholars the number is constantly changing. Meanwhile, Israel today passed a UN resolution that calls for member states & social media companies to censor the issue, and governments are expected to enforce it…

Israel’s new secret document still fails to tie Palestinian NGOs to ‘terrorism’

+972 and Local Call have obtained the latest report sent from Israel to foreign diplomats in a fresh attempt to justify outlawing six Palestinian civil society groups. The document, which is full of unsubstantiated claims, has left EU leaders unconvinced. Europe continues to stand with Palestinian NGOs.