Search Results for: Return March

‘Western media’ and mass deception

How western media cover Gaza:  Show a close up of Palestinians’ raised fists and open mouths and angry faces and raised flags – they are threatening, aren’t they?: violent, dangerous, and menacing. Make sure the frame of your camera is quite tight. Don’t ever open the frame to show 100 Israeli sharpshooters nearby firing live ammunition at thousands of defenseless and unarmed civilians protesting the systemic theft of their homeland…

Killing Mosquitoes: The Gaza Massacres, Pro-Israel Media Bias, & the Weapon Of ‘Antisemitism’

Imagine if Russian or Syrian troops had shot dead almost 30 civilians, and injured thousands, during peaceful protests. Mainstream media headlines and airwaves would be filled with condemnations from senior UK and US politicians and prominent commentators. But not so when it is Israel doing the killing, and the BBC & Guardian provide Israel spin…

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression under attack

The Canadian Journalists for Free Expression website is gone. Kevin Metcalf, a main contributor to CJFE, describes how the website – and his job – met a sudden death after the organization condemned the targeting of journalists in Gaza by Israel. Metcalf writes that this censorship was caused by public employees exerting “undue influence over a civil society group, on behalf of a foreign government.”

The Gaza Prison Uprising Continues: “The Friday of Tires,” another sign of determination by Palestinians

Crowds of young men went to the border area, setting tires on fire to create a smokescreen to obstruct the vision of Israeli snipers. They were met with gunfire and tear gas as they hurled stones at the heavily armed Israeli soldiers backed up by tanks and warplanes. Israel, which controls all of Gaza’s border crossings, airspace and waters, imposed a ban on the entry of tires, and Israeli forces brought huge fans and massive water cannons to extinguish the fires…

Geraldo Rivera was asked on Fox whether he ever regretted a story he had done. In reply he said that he regretted not supporting the Palestinians during the Second Intifada against Israeli “occupation and oppression.” He said he regretted “chickening out” and not “adding my voice as a Jew”…

Gideon Levy: The Israel Massacre Forces

Israeli military snipers fired at hundreds of civilians, hitting over 750 and killing 15, but two Palestinians who dared return fire at the soldiers who were massacring them are “terrorists,” their actions labeled “terror attacks” and their sentence – death. The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes

Videos from Gaza show Israeli forces shooting a woman slowly walking, a boy running away from the border, a man praying, etc. The Israeli military defends its its actions, tweeting: “everything was accurate and measured; we know where every bullet landed.”