Search Results for: Return March

Gunshot Gaza: hospitals struggle to treat surge in firearms injuries

Medical work in Gaza is impeded by the unmanageable number of wounded, the complex injuries that will require multiple follow-up procedures, and the shortage of supplies. Add to that the difficulty in getting permission for patients to seek medical attention outside the country – it adds up to an impossible situation.

The history of Zionist collusion with Nazis

Ron Unz details facts about Zionist-Nazi cooperation, including Zionist sponsored trips for Nazi officials such as Adolph Eichmann to Palestine, up through recent events in Ukraine… 

While teachers care about schools & salaries, teachers union head Randi Weingarten positions the union to support Israel

While most teachers are concerned with issues like raising teachers’ pay and strengthening public schools, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten positions the union to support Israel, following a history of such union presidents… Under Weingarten AFT opposes BDS and supports liberal Zionists…

Virginia’s taxpayer-funded Israel lobby: prototype for obtaining state tax money for Israel advocates

State funding for Israeli companies and pro-Israel politicized textbooks: VIAB (now VIAA) is a pilot for how Israel can obtain taxpayer funding and official status for entities that advance Israel from within state governments. The organization operates as a taxpayer-funded lobbyist for a foreign country…

International Criminal Court Reaches Out to Palestinian Victims as War Crimes Case Enters Pre-Trial Phase

The ICC is set to begin pre-trial actions for Israeli crimes committed in the occupied Palestinian territories since June 13, 2014. But the presiding judge has already ruled once in favor of Israel… is the fix in?
It’s odd that no US media outlets have reported on this major legal development… An Israeli news report said that if a formal investigation commenced it would be “a dramatic step which would impact Israel’s status in the international community.”

Senate about to vote on bill to give  billion to Israel, largest aid package in US history

Although the media isn’t telling Americans, a bill to give Israel a massive aid package is before Congress. The Senate, where it has 72 sponsors, is expected to vote on it this week. The bill also mandates that NASA work with Israel’s space agency, despite charges of Israeli espionage…