The Washington Post claimed, in spite of clear evidence to the contrary, that Israel had never destroyed Palestinian Covid clinics. In fact Israel is guilty of this and a multitude of other human rights abuses – as a pandemic rages, and with financial support from the US.
Search Results for: Balfour
Israel’s KKK – Jewish Power Party – partners with Netanyahu
Extremist Jewish supremacist parties find themselves suddenly relevant as Netanyahu’s Likud party seeks to form alliances and win enough legislative seats to protect him from legal action. Lieberman has even called for “disloyal” Palestinian citizens to be “beheaded.” It may be the beginning of a new level of rightwing governing.
Israeli soldiers break the silence about midnight invasions of Palestinian homes
“The overarching goal [of home invasions] was to instill a sense of persecution among the Palestinians.” “It’s a rolling trauma.” So say Israeli soldiers, as they look back with regret on the acts they carried out, night after night, at the behest of their state.
Their testimonies are compiled in a new human rights report from Breaking the Silence, Yesh Din and Physicians for Human Rights, “A Life Exposed: military invasions of Palestinian homes in the West Bank.”
Yes, there is a World Zionist Congress – and it’s meeting now
The average American often knows extremely little about Zionism, even though the Zionist movement has played a major role in the world – and in the U.S. itself – for a century… Some have the impression that ‘world zionism’ is an antisemitic conspiracy theory… even while the World Zionist Congress is in session, with 720 delegates from over 30 countries… And the WZC is just one of many international Zionist entities that work for Israel…
Israeli occupation of Palestine is devastating the natural environment
The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has devastated the environment… uprooted native trees… imposed polluting industries… prevented sustainable development… caused loss of biodiversity… Under Israeli occupation, environmental struggles are an integral part of the struggle for freedom and justice in Palestine…
Ruth Bader Ginsburg… If only she had supported equal rights for everyone
Ruth Bader Ginsburg commanded immense respect, adulation, and influence. She spoke out against racism and discrimination, and has been called ‘a revolutionary.’ Some have written: ‘Even to the end of her life, she remained committed to our mantra: none are free, until all are free…’ Progressive groups are sending out emails about continuing ‘her legacy’ of ‘fighting for justice.’ Imagine the impact she could have had if she’d included Palestinians in her concerns, and spoken out against Israeli violence and apartheid, instead of remaining silent and endorsing Israel…
Trump, Obama proclaimed national day honoring racist rabbi, Menachem Schneerson
President Trump recently proclaimed April 3rd “Education Day,” in honor of a man known as “The Rebbe.” Such a day has been proclaimed by every President for the past 42 years. But the rabbi that this national day celebrates disseminated some teachings that were profoundly problematic, especially for Palestinians in the Occupied Territories… for example, that non-Jews were “created to serve the Jews.”
Experts: Israeli System Constitutes Apartheid, Crime against Humanity
Professors Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley provide detailed reports confirming that Israel is perpetrating “apartheid,” a crime against humanity. Those desiring peace must abandon an illusory “two-state solution” with its focus on the occupation, and instead address the fundamental obstacle to peace: Israel’s racist system. The papers were presented at the launch of a new international network, The 1st Global Conference on Israeli Apartheid. (Includes videos of their speeches)
Israel lobby is the reason for perpetual oppression of Palestinians
In this frank, and frankly courageous piece, Philip Weiss lays bare the agenda of the Israel lobby and how it has manipulated the American Jewish community and the US government for decades. But, he predicts, the lobby is dying, and in its wake, peace is achievable.
World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel
Dozens of Secret Service agents gathered to protect billionaires, politicians, global influencers, & diverse glitterati at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress… there were oligarchs from Russia, ambassadors from the Ukraine, & dozens of inner circle investors. The Theodor Herzl Award was presented to Niki Hayley; previous awards went to the Rothschilds, Joe Biden, & Henry Kissinger… all there to support Israeli oppression of Palestinians