The Israel lobby has created an atmosphere in which journalists shy away from honest reporting on the Israel/Palestine issue. They are so fearful of being labeled anti-Semitic, they “daren’t even ask the [necessary] questions.”
Search Results for: Balfour
Gilad Atzmon: Penguin, Rothschild and Zionist Pressure
Israeli author and analyst Gilad Atzmon discusses Penguin’s decision to censor its best selling book by Spanish author Pedro Baños, because of its information on the Rothschild dynasty.
Levy: Netanyahu Isn’t the Problem. The Israeli People Are
Gideon Levy writes in Ha’aretz: “The apartheid did not start with him and will not end with his departure; it probably won’t even be dented. One of the most racist nations in the world cannot complain about its prime minister’s racism.”
Nobel laureate supports Palestinian rights, referred to Alison Weir’s book in article
George Smith, just awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry, has been active and outspoken in his support of Palestinian rights. In his articles on the subject Professor Smith has quoted a wide range of sources, including Alison Weir’s book, Against Our Better Judgment. Mondoweiss chronicles Smith’s dedication to Palestinian human rights despite being smeared by Israel partisans…
The history of Zionist collusion with Nazis
Ron Unz details facts about Zionist-Nazi cooperation, including Zionist sponsored trips for Nazi officials such as Adolph Eichmann to Palestine, up through recent events in Ukraine…
Palestinian Leaders to Seek UN Sanctions After Israel Passes Nation-state Law
Palestinian leaders will seek help from UN legal authorities – in the form, hopefully of sanctions a la South Africa.
‘Western media’ and mass deception
How western media cover Gaza: Show a close up of Palestinians’ raised fists and open mouths and angry faces and raised flags – they are threatening, aren’t they?: violent, dangerous, and menacing. Make sure the frame of your camera is quite tight. Don’t ever open the frame to show 100 Israeli sharpshooters nearby firing live ammunition at thousands of defenseless and unarmed civilians protesting the systemic theft of their homeland…
Easter question: Is this what Christ died for?
The place where Christianity was born is defiled by a brutal military occupation that has turned a beautiful, very special historic region, precious to three religions, into a swamp of racial hatred resulting in unspeakable crimes against the indigenous population… In Britain the usual suspects again tried to destabilize Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and damage his prospects of becoming prime minister by firing another ‘anti-Semitism’ broadside…
Jake Tapper, Meet Sumud – Palestinian Resilience
Jake Tapper’s piece on Israeli psychologists working with children after HS shooting in Parkland FL highlights Israel’s “vast experience with terrorism and war.” As usual, Israel is the innocent victim of Palestinian terrorism.
Palestinians survive such whitewashing by developing a unique coping mechanism, “Sumud.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: at 84, where does she get her PEP (Progressive Except Palestine)?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is spunky and progressive, but she has blinders on when it comes to Palestine. See this detailed analysis…