The American Jewish Congress claims to respect Palestinians’ rights while lauding the means by which Israel was created: the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Search Results for: Balfour
How the Israel Lobby Works in Britain
UK Prime Minister May and her House of Lords are highly influenced by Netanyahu and the Israel lobby – to the point of scandal – at a time when the country has more than its share of troubles.
Press release: 93 International Jewish Organizations Condemn BDS
A press release from the Israeli-American Cooperative Enterprise reports that 93 Jewish organizations have signed a statement against the international boycott of Israel over its human rights abuses. The statement lists the names of the signatories…
Open Letter to the World Council of Churches and the ecumenical movement
The National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine pleads for Western churches to take a stand: “As we meet this month in Bethlehem in occupied Palestine, we are still suffering from 100 years of injustice and oppression…we need you and we need you now more than ever. We need your costly solidarity…This is no time for shallow diplomacy Christians. We urge you to hear our call.”
Book review of Alison Weir’s “Against Our Better Judgment” – by Ziad Hafez
By Ziad Hafez, Contemporary Arab Affairs — This short book is quite powerful and displays historical accounts and analyses supported by a solid documentation showing scholarly knowledge and objective reporting. It is an indispensable tool for any researcher on the root cause of Middle Eastern turmoil, and contains explosive, meticulously documented information about the Zionist movement in the United States, Europe, and Palestine…
In 1976 Nathan Glazer wrote that supporting Israel was against U.S. interests and was largely driven by Jewish Americans
Philip Weiss writes in Mondoweiss that Glazer correctly stated that supporting Israel was counter to U.S. interests and that this support was garnered through pressure from the US Jewish establishment. Weiss writes that the lobby’s success is closely related to the rise of Jews in the establishment, with Jews at the heads of global industries from finance to education to Hollywood to government, media, the Supreme Court…
Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism in British politics
Avi Shlaim, on Al Jazeera: ‘Israeli propagandists deliberately conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism in order to discredit, bully, and muzzle critics of Israel; in order to suppress free speech; and in order to divert attention from the real issues: Israeli colonialism, Israel’s apartheid, its systematic violation of the human rights of Palestinians, and its denial of their right to independence and statehood. The propagandists persistently present an anti-racist movement (anti-Zionism) as a racist one (anti-Semitism)…’