Search Results for: media bias

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: at 84, where does she get her PEP (Progressive Except Palestine)?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is spunky and progressive, but she has blinders on when it comes to Palestine. See this detailed analysis…

DOUBLE STANDARD: The Hill refuses to publish column about USS Liberty

The Hill published a column in favor of ending $300 million in US aid to Palestinians, based on the murder of an American by a Palestinian man unaffiliated with any Palestinian organization. In response, Geoff ONeill submitted a column that suggested suspending $3.8 billion to Israel, based on the Israeli military’s killing of 34 American servicemen. The Hill would not publish that column – but then published a second column by another Israel partisan praising the TFA…

Shadowy Israeli App Turns Jewish Americans Into Foot Soldiers In Online War

An Israeli organization operating in the U.S. recruits Jewish teens and adults for a propaganda project led by former Israeli intelligence officers. It has close ties to Israel’s intelligence services, its Ministry of Strategic Affairs, is funded by billionaires Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, and sometimes operates out of local Jewish community centers…

False claims against Syria lay the groundwork to destroy more Israeli targets

In 2007 the IAEA promoted falsehoods about Israel’s bombing of a supposed nuclear reactor in Syria, burying evidence that the site was NOT a reactor. Claims that a sarin gas attack last April was carried out by the Assad regime are similarly dubious. Just as the false “WMD” claims against Iraq were used to destroy Iraq, these claims seem aimed at taking down two more of Israel’s targets: Syria and Iran.

Israeli ambassador pushes potential war to elite U.S. powerbrokers

A select group of Washington D.C. heavy hitters attended a Rosh Hashanah event at which the Israeli Ambassador laid out a rationale for another Israeli war. The attendees included Wolf Blitzer, Jason Greenblatt, Abe Foxman, Mort Klein, Eli Lake, White House insiders, Congressmen, political operatives, philanthropists, etc (detailed list)…

ADL Campus guide describes how to block events about Palestine

A new ADL campus initiative conflates criticism of Israel with “anti-Semitism,” tells students how to block events that support Palestinian rights, & recommends joining student governments to block “anti-Israel” activism. Its head endorses legislation that would make supporting boycotts of Israel punishable by a million dollar fine and 20 years in prison…

The strange, sad saga of the Taylor Force Act

The murder of an American is being used to push new U.S. legislation on behalf of Israel, and to enrich an extremist right-wing Israeli organization with connections to an Israeli party outlawed by Israel as a terrorist organization, and that honors one of the most damaging spies against the U.S…