Tags: Tawfiq Abdel Jabbar

Israel’s “consistent failure to uphold int’l humanitarian law is abhorrent” – Day 111

Israel out of control in Khan Younis; Biden official trying to broker an “ambitious” deal; reminiscent of Al Ahli hospital debacle, Israel fumbles after allegedly striking UN building, Netanyahu talks smack against Qatar, blames hostages’ families for leaking; Israeli land grab along Gaza border; update on American killed in West Bank, Tawfiq Abdel Jabbar; and more

24 Massacres in 24 Hours, 210 Gazans killed – Day 110

Horror in Khan Younis, white flag killing caught on film; update on American teen shot dead by Israel; Israeli TV reports that widely reported descriptions of Hamas atrocities were lies; calls to end arms transfers to Israel; 210 Congress members support Israel’s violence; Dem support for Israel may be on shaky ground over 2-state solution; US bombing of Iraq is destroying years-long alliance, and more