Tags: propaganda

Gideon Levy: If Anyone Should ‘Not Forget nor Forgive,’ It’s the Palestinians

A picture is worth a thousand words: Hundreds of Palestinian detainees and prisoners who were released on Saturday are seen on their knees, in prison, wearing white T-shirts bearing a blue Star of David and the words “we will not forget nor forgive.” Gideon Levy suggests that Israel’s revenge against Palestinians has gone on long enough, and it is time to see them as human beings, capable of feeling pain – and anger.

Cyabra: the Intelligence Cutout Waging Israel’s Online Propaganda War

A tech firm claiming to root out online “disinformation” is actually a creator of it. Cyabra is an Israeli company founded by military intelligence officers, half of whose employees have left to rejoin the Israeli military to fight in Gaza – and one who continues to openly work with Israeli military intelligence to this day.