Water and freedom are commodities that Palestinians are sorely lacking. Israel is building barricades in the sea, shooting at fishermen, and denying access to fresh water.
Tags: oslo
The ‘ultimate deal’ that Jared Kushner is proposing for Palestine would strip the people of all their dignity
Jared Kushner is ignorant, or apathetic about Middle East peace. After 70 years of resistance, Palestinians have no intention of selling out to “the ultimate deal.”
A legal perspective on “Oslo”
The agreement was an instrument in which Israel could pursue traditional objectives, including settling the “Whole Land of Israel.” Settlement building could accelerate, “security” in occupied Palestine was subcontracted to Palestinian “security forces” who protected Israeli settlers but not Palestinians, and many of the costs of the occupation were borne by other countries. Whitbeck gives an eye-witness analysis of what went wrong.