In 1984, the American Jewish Congress convened a conference in Israel entitled “Hasabara: Israel’s Public Image: Problems and Remedies,” led by U.S. advertising supremo Carl Spielgovel with 16 other Jewish American PR luminaries, journalists, & academics to refine Israel’s propaganda strategies
Tags: Media
Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide
Israeli media coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees demonstrates the widespread acceptance within Israeli society of sexual violence as a weapon of genocide.
US media say Israel is retaliating. The facts show the opposite
Time after time, US news coverage of the issue begins when Palestinians have committed violence, without noting that this violence was preceded by lethal Israeli violence… including against thousands of nonviolent protesters gathering week after week inside the Gaza ghetto…
Uncovering Canadian Media’s Devastating Pro-Israel Bias
A detailed report on glaring pro-Israel bias in Canadian media. This bias is enforced at every level of the media, from editorial boards all the way to ownership. It remains untouchable.
Israeli Anti-BDS Ministry Secretly Buys Media Coverage
An Israeli ministry dedicated nearly $2 million to a covert media campaign against the BDS movement that portrayed the human rights based campaign as supposedly “antisemitic”… The fund targets both Israeli and foreign NGOs and media outlets. In return for payments, it slips its content into their social media, digital and print networks…