News outlets are reporting on Israel’s Monday attack on the Palestinian city of Jenin, but no one has been talking about the consistent shedding of Palestinian blood since the attack on Gaza in May.
Tags: Israeli military
Video: The youngest victims of Israel’s missiles
Palestinian children and their families describe what it was like when Israel assaulted Gaza in 2021 and 2022…
Israeli Army Shoots and Kills Two Palestinians, Withholds Bodies
The deaths of So’oud al-Titi and Mohammad Abu Thera’ bring the number of Palestinians killed in April to eight; Israel has killed 95 Palestinians in 2023 (plus 3 more who died indirectly).
Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Youth, Injure Two Young Men
Palestinian teen Mohammad Fayez Balhan was killed Monday by Israeli soldiers as they raided a refugee camp. Israel has taken nearly 100 Palestinian lives so far this year; Palestinians have killed 16 Israelis.
Labs of Oppression, Part Two: “settler violence = state violence”
In Part Two of the in-depth article from the Intercept on Israel’s decades-long campaign against Palestinians, read about how the Israeli military partners with settlers, using harassment, violence, and clandestine moves, to control Palestinian land. Palestinians are left with noncontiguous “Bantustans,” where they are still unable to live in peace.
Undercover Israeli Soldiers Kill Palestinian In Tulkarem
With the death of Amir Emad Abu Khadija, Israel has now killed 87 Palestinians in 2023 (plus 3 who died indirectly); 12 Israelis have also been killed.
Israeli forces kill 6 Palestinians in Jenin raid, more settler violence
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken calls for “both sides” to de-escalate tensions in the Palestinian West Bank. Since the start of the year, Israeli forces have killed 72 Palestinians; 12 Israelis have also been killed.
Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian, Injure Two, Abduct Six, In Jericho
In another military invasion, Israeli soldiers shot Mahmoud Hamdan, age 22 and took him away, announcing later that he was dead.
Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds After Israeli Soldiers Shot Him Thursday
Israeli soldiers shot Mohammad Jawabra, 22, in the head yesterday, while he was trying to help his neighbors in the refugee camp after the soldiers invaded it. The bullet caused a skull fracture and serious brain damage. Today he succumbed to his wounds.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen, another Palestinian dies of wounds
Haroun Abu Aram, 27, had been shot in the neck by an Israeli soldier trying to confiscate a family’s generator; Haroun had been a quadriplegic ever since. Mahmoud Al-Ayedi, 17, was shot in the head during an Israeli military invasion of his refugee camp…