Search Results for: water

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, TennesseeThis table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best experience, we recommend…

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, OhioThis table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best experience, we recommend viewing on a…

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey New MexicoThis table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best…

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, MassachusettsThis table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best experience, we recommend viewing…

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, IdahoThis table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best experience, we recommend viewing on a…

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, CaliforniaThis table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best experience, we recommend viewing on a tablet or…

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… This table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best experience, we recommend viewing on a tablet or desktop computer. IE Detected…

IDF Awards Israeli Soldiers for Deadly Crackdown on Gaza Protests

As the man-made crisis in Gaza is nearing a dangerous climax, Israel’s military has awarded the Gaza Division with a “certificate of appreciation” for its role in suppressing Palestinian protests. Described in the media as “clashes,” these protests involve Israeli snipers firing into crowds of unarmed young Palestinians. The award was given as the number of unarmed protesters wounded since March 30 surpassed 22,000 and the killings reached 198.

Breaking the Silence about Israel’s occupation of Hebron

Jonathan Cook reports on Israeli soldiers breaking the silence on what they’ve done. “Whatever a soldier believes when they begin their military service, there is no way to behave ethically in the occupied territories,” Ido Even-Paz, a former Israeli soldier says. “It’s a system in which Palestinians are always treated as inferior… Every day the job is to inflict collective punishment…”

Nobel laureate supports Palestinian rights, referred to Alison Weir’s book in article

George Smith, just awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry, has been active and outspoken in his support of Palestinian rights. In his articles on the subject Professor Smith has quoted a wide range of sources, including Alison Weir’s book, Against Our Better Judgment. Mondoweiss chronicles Smith’s dedication to Palestinian human rights despite being smeared by Israel partisans…