Evictions, demolitions, and UXO are constant risks for Palestinian children living in areas of the Jordan Valley that Israel has declared as “firing zones,” where Israeli battalions regularly assemble to hone their combat skills. “During 2016, we were forced to evacuate our houses around 30 times…”
Search Results for: water
A history of how Israel out-foxed US Presidents, from Eisenhower to Obama
Over the past six decades, Israeli leaders have refined their strategies for taking advantage of their staunchest ally, the United States. Israeli leaders have frequently manipulated and misled American presidents out of a confidence that U.S. politicians deeply fear the political fallout from any public battle with Israel…
Elliott Abrams and Gina Haspel – ghastly choices
Americans dodged a bullet when neocon Abrams was denied. He was a founding co-signer of PNAC, led the charge to invade Iraq after calling for “regime change,” and has endorsed military interventions in Libya, Syria, and as Iran. He called Chuck Hagel an “anti-Semite” because Hagel had criticized Israel. Gina Haspel, new CIA Deputy Director, was reportedly involved in the torture programs. In 2005 she ordered the destruction of the video tapes made of the interrogations…
Chuck Baldwin: Is Netanyahu finished? Is he trying to save himself by pushing war with Iran?
The former Constitution Party presidential candidate writes that “Netanyahu is one of the most corrupt political leaders on the planet” and one of the most heavily financed. Netanyahu’s plummet in popularity at home is one of the reasons “why he is pressuring Trump to ratchet up a war against Iran and why he is mobilizing accelerated (illegal) Israeli settlements on private land owned by Palestinian people… War and military conflict has always been a favored tactic of embattled politicians to increase their popularity and deflect negativity…”
Israel’s global lobby works to take down UK and US politicians [VIDEO]
An undercover video shows an Israeli agent working to “take down” some UK officials and reveals AIPAC involvement. Israel partisans have previously taken down US Congressional representatives. Such lobbying on behalf of Israel is a global phenomenon with organizations like AIPAC existing in various forms in a number of other countries.
Judith Miller forgets how many deaths her erroneous reporting caused
Former NY Times reporter Judith Miller pushed war on Iraq; pro-Israel confederate Steven Emerson demonized Muslims; attorney Floyd Abrams assisted both…
Congress Backs Israel’s “Right” to Slaughter Palestinians in the Name of “Self-Defense”
During Israel’s July-August, 2014 onslaught against Gaza, members of Congress eagerly supported Israel’s “right” to slaughter a couple of thousand Palestinians and level much of Gaza’s infrastructure in the name of “self-defense.” At least 8 bills and resolutions were introduced, and no fewer 7 letters were sent to President Barack Obama or U.N. officials. The Washington Report reported the details in the article originally published in fall 2014…