The lies that started 100 years ago with “a land without people for a people without a land” continue. But with CCTV, smartphones, and social media, Israel’s army can’t seem to manufacture airtight alibis anymore. Jonathan Cooke documents the fact that its slogan, “the most moral army in the world,” is built on cover ups, past and present, including a history of planting weapons on its victims…
Search Results for: tamimi
Study shows double standard in AP reports on Israel-Palestine
Yahoo news: The study found that AP reports on Israeli deaths averaged three times longer than reports on Palestinian deaths, headlines reported on Israeli deaths at a rate four times greater than they reported on Palestinian deaths, and significant facts and context available in other news reports were often missing.
Israel arrests child with one-third of his skull missing, then lies about it
The Israeli military abducted a boy they had shot in the face in December and who still requires more surgery. While they had the frightened and traumatized boy in their custody, Israeli soldiers then coerced him into agreeing that he had simply “fallen off his bike.” These three articles give the details.
VIDEO: Israel Makes Palestine One of Most Dangerous Places for Children
One of the most dangerous places in the world for children is the occupied Palestinian territories where, in the last year, at least 20 Palestinian children have been killed and over 1,000 others injured by Israeli forces. Gaza’s 1 million children are especially at risk, as food, medicine, and electricity are in short supply, and 97% of drinking water contaminated. The world has Israel to thank for this man-made humanitarian crisis.
Michael Oren’s Conspiratorial Hasbara Is More Common Than You Think
Michael Oren is currently known for his conspiracy theory that Ahed Tamimi might be a “plant” sent to Nabi Saleh to make Israel look bad. Oren has a history of spouting such theories – and he is just one of many who would rather believe far-fetched fantasies about Palestinians rather than face the truth that Israel has blood on its hands.
Like a Safari: Israeli Troops in Jeeps Hunt a Palestinian Teen and Shoot Him in the Head
A boy who threw stones at IDF jeeps suffered the punishment of execution by a soldier; it was the third time in recent weeks that soldiers aimed at stone-throwers’ heads.
Santa Claus in Palestine
A Palestinian woman who now lives in the US recalls growing up in simpler times, without an awareness of the differences in religions. Christmastime – and Santa – were for everyone. But times have changed, and Jerusalem has changed, especially since Trump’s announcement.
Associated Press Double Standard in Israel-Palestine Reporting
A study of AP’s 2018 reports on Palestinians and Israelis killed found that AP headlines reported on Israeli deaths at a rate four times greater than on Palestinian deaths, and that articles were almost three times longer. Essential information was often missing; never once, for example, did AP use the term “occupied” or “occupation”…
14-year-old Ghada was the latest victim of Israel’s dehumanising machine
How did a 14-year-old Palestinian girl who has never set foot in the open-air prison of Gaza find herself being dumped there by Israeli officials – alone, at night and without her parents being informed? Ghada’s story, like Ahed Tamimi’s and the African refugees’, is the story of the indifference that is created by an occupation machine.
Year In Review: Worst Abuses Against Palestinian Children
Defense for Children International – Palestine’s 2017 report: Israeli forces caused 14 child deaths & at least 961 child injuries, used excessive force, there was little to no accountability, an average of over 300 Palestinian children were in the prison system each month, 75% are abused, many face solitary confinement… In the US some positive legislation has been introduced…