Search Results for: shihadah

Associated Press Double Standard in Israel-Palestine Reporting

A study of AP’s 2018 reports on Palestinians and Israelis killed found that AP headlines reported on Israeli deaths at a rate four times greater than on Palestinian deaths, and that articles were almost three times longer. Essential information was often missing; never once, for example, did AP use the term “occupied” or “occupation”…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: at 84, where does she get her PEP (Progressive Except Palestine)?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is spunky and progressive, but she has blinders on when it comes to Palestine. See this detailed analysis…

House passes bill about Taylor Force, ignores 34 other Americans who were killed by Israel

The House just passed the Taylor Force Act, allegedly on behalf of an American killed by a Palestinian, designed to pressure the PA into “de-incentivizing terrorism” – even though Israel kills far more civilians. Congress and others do not show similar concern for 34 American servicemen killed by Israel…

Corruption permeates Israel under Netanyahu, goes back decades

Israel is fighting corruption from the highest places in government, right on down to the household help. Read about a handful of the many scandals reaching back decades and involving many previous leaders.

Israeli ambassador pushes potential war to elite U.S. powerbrokers

A select group of Washington D.C. heavy hitters attended a Rosh Hashanah event at which the Israeli Ambassador laid out a rationale for another Israeli war. The attendees included Wolf Blitzer, Jason Greenblatt, Abe Foxman, Mort Klein, Eli Lake, White House insiders, Congressmen, political operatives, philanthropists, etc (detailed list)…