Search Results for: israel lobby

Israel’s Fifth Column: Exercising control from inside the government

A Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff once said: ‘If the American people understood what a grip Israel has on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on’… An attack on a U.S. Navy ship… Top officials in a secretive office in the Treasury Department… A U.S. ambassador and his senior assistant… Wars for Israel… Where does it all end?

SenateHouseAlabama-CaliforniaColorado-IdahoIllinois-MassachusettsMichigan-New MexicoNew York-OhioOklahoma-TennesseeTexas-Wyoming   Please wait while the data loads. Formatting the table… Almost done… This table was last updated: Attention Mobile Users This table contains a large amount of data and may be difficult to view on smaller screens. For the best experience, we recommend viewing on a tablet or desktop computer. IE Detected…

How Israel Spies on US Citizens

Israel and the US are tied together in ways that Americans would never even dream of – and may never know about, since the Al Jazeera documentary about the Israel lobby is being buried. A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the United States reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying on American citizens,…

Pro-Israel group raises half a million dollars for Menendez – eludes donation law

Pro-Israel NORPAC political action committee eludes law limiting pacs to $10,000 donation… the group held a $1,000 a plate dinner for Democratic candidate Menendez. NORPAC raises money for candidates from both parties around the US – from New York to North Dakota… see video of Menendez AIPAC speech…

Israeli editor says pro-Israel activism in UK has moved “out of the shadows”

Israeli editor David Horovitz says the UK’s Jeremy Corbyn is a “racist and an antisemite” because of his support for Palestinian rights. Horovitz writes that the Jewish community, which had previously kept a low profile, is now publicly mobilizing against Corbyn: “It has moved out of the shadows and into the glare.”

Giraldi: Why Confronting Israel Is Important

If there is a real enemy of the U.S. in terms of the actual damage being inflicted by a foreign power, it is Israel… 
The decision to go to war on false pretenses against Iraq, largely promoted by a cabal of prominent American Zionists in the Pentagon and in the media, killed 4,424 Americans as well as hundreds of thousands Iraqis and will wind up costing the US taxpayer $7 trillion dollars. That same group of American Israelists is now agitating to go to war with Iran using a game plan prepared by Israel which will, if anything, prove even more catastrophic… Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen demonstrates how far US politicians will go…

U.S. media continue to cover up U.S. aid to Israel, as Trump signs latest bill

U.S. Legislation to give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years is steadily working its way through to completion, as Trump signs one of the bills giving US tax money to Israel. While this is the largest such aid package in U.S. history, U.S. media are not informing Americans of the AIPAC promoted legislation…

BBC bows to pressure from Israel and changes Gaza headline

This is truly shocking: media giant BBC is bossed around by Israel. The headline “Israeli air strikes kill pregnant woman and baby” magically become “Gaza air strikes ‘kill woman and child’ after rockets hit Israel” when Israel’s foreign ministry spokesman ordered it to be changed “IMMEDIATELY.” A BBC spokesperson admitted that “although the original headline was not factually incorrect, we updated it to add more context to the story”. They added something else too, and it ain’t truth.
One BBC senior producer confided, ‘We wait in fear for the phone call from the Israelis,’” whenever they publish negative stories about Israel.